Ordering blunders

Started by ethrbunny, February 03, 2005, 04:05:48 PM

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Got my latest from Mouser while I was on vacation. Digging into the box I saw a bag with some large ceramic disc caps.

Hmm.. says I.. wonder what these are.. 47pf.. gosh.. seems awfully large.. oh.. 1kV.. d'oh! Probably won't be hitting voltages like that in my "Whisker Biscuit".

Same experience a month ago when some electrolytics the size of AA batteries showed up.  :roll:
--- Dharma Desired
"Life on the steep part of the learning curve"

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Worst mistake i made was buying from a Taiwan factory using a mostly Chinese catalog.. saw some cheap jacks, bought several thousand, and found they were 1/8 inch, not 1/4 :x
1/4 and 1/8 look (to me) pretty similar in Chinese :oops:
Oh, they were complete crap as well. Too bad even to give away.
I keep them as a "momenti stupidi"


ether - I did the same thing with caps, except I ordered mini electros by accident.  Not a terrible mistake, but they confused me when I saw them.  The drawback to the small size (and low price) is the high tolerance - I think its 20%.  Whatever, they work.