dlx electric mistress - through-zero mod

Started by jmasciswannabe, March 12, 2005, 04:36:17 PM

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From what I gather this can be done by adding a small delay in the DEM's dry signal (hammer). I found this:


but looks like the latest revised schematic is missing. Does anyone have this? Also, could anyone suggest a spot in the dry signal to insert the small delay circuit? I plan on making the delay circuit on a separate perf and wire it in.

....the staircase had one too many steps

Mark Hammer

Doesn't the DEM have dry-only and wet-only output jacks?  If so, then adding the indicated group delay after the dry output, and THEN feeding the dry-only and wet only to a mixer stage ought to do what you want.  The question is whether the wet signal goes down to a short enough min delay that a half millisecond delay/stagger on the dry signal will produce through zero flanging.  I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it would require the DEM to normally dip below 0.5msec and I don't know it it does that.  If you have to go to the extent of building TWO of the shown group-delay allpass monsters, hell may as well try and find another SAD1024 and build a second DEM or find some other way.

A buddy of mine has 2 or 3 of them (originals, not clones or reissues), and I'm curious to see if we can rig them to use the fixed/comb setting on one for  "dry stagger" and then combine it with the wet only output of another in sweep mode to get TZF.