How to wire a MIDI DIN 5pin plug..

Started by ESPguitar, March 17, 2005, 04:06:25 PM

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How do you wire a midi cable (5pin) What kind of cable---??



The Tone God

First two hits from Google using "midi cable wiring" as search criteria.

Google and the search function are your friends. :)



Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I thought this was going to be a rant about how ****ing hard it is (at least for me) to wire those plugs!! Here's my tip: have them plugged into a socket while you are soldering. Even so, I usually screw it up.
Personally, I always just use normal 5 pin audio leads (I know the specs say lift the sheilding at one end..)


Quote from: Paul Perry (Frostwave)I thought this was going to be a rant about how ****ing hard it is (at least for me) to wire those plugs!! Here's my tip: have them plugged into a socket while you are soldering. Even so, I usually screw it up.
Personally, I always just use normal 5 pin audio leads (I know the specs say lift the sheilding at one end..)

So you use a 4 conductor cable + shielding?

You don't need to use more then 2+shield after 4 or 5 schems i have looked at now..


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Quite right RB, the midi spec is a current loop, so you only need two wires and a shield (pretty important to have the shield, otherwise low RF noise sprays into everything!) but, the unused pins have never interfered with any gear I have ever had. So I just use the standard (cheap) audio cables.
