How to make XXL for bass?

Started by Nikolay, March 21, 2005, 08:28:58 AM

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Hi guys
How can I change XXL to play on bass ?
here is sch for XXL

here is picture of new overdrive for bass: XXL from tech21

I think that I must decrease C3.

Mike Burgundy

There's a lot of tone shaping going on, so a lot of tinkering is required.
Try starting with doubling all in-line caps (12,11,6,15 looks big enough but why not) This lets through more bass, if it's not fullrange already.
Caps to ground lose treble, so carefully decreasing those will let through *more* treble. Increasing them will cut treble. You might want to increase these as well, but carefully. Tone stack: same story.
It's a good idea to install sockets and experiment.