Question regarding onboard effect wiring

Started by suregork, March 21, 2005, 11:21:50 AM

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Hello everyone, I've been hanging around these forums a while and thought it finally would be time to try to and build an effect. I thought I would try out the Beginner Project (and I'm really sorry if this post belongs to that forum  :oops: , but thought more people would see this here), and instead of putting it in a box I would put it in a guitar I'm building. This is where my question comes in. I'm going to try to use Dragonfly's Vero version of the beginner project and I really can't come up with how to transform it into an onboard effect. I have a half-filled schematic here which I would be VERY VERY thankful if someone completed (either as a picture or with words):

Thanks in advance.. :roll:
Successfully built: Mosfet Boost, Red Llama, Crunch Box, SHO, RM Voodoo Vibe, Fuzz Face, Ross Comp, 9V Electric Mistress, Modded Crybaby


Quote from: suregorkHello everyone, I've been hanging around these forums a while and thought it finally would be time to try to and build an effect. I thought I would try out the Beginner Project (and I'm really sorry if this post belongs to that forum  :oops: , but thought more people would see this here), and instead of putting it in a box I would put it in a guitar I'm building. This is where my question comes in. I'm going to try to use Dragonfly's Vero version of the beginner project and I really can't come up with how to transform it into an onboard effect. I have a half-filled schematic here which I would be VERY VERY thankful if someone completed (either as a picture or with words):

Thanks in advance.. :roll:
The yellow pickup output wire goes to the left side of the switch...inthemiddle there.
 The Neg from the battery goes to ground....[check but Ithink that's where the gain pot green wire goes also.
 The output jack tip connects to the right side of the switch there...middle
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


OK, thanks.

So to wrap it up

Yellow to Left-Middle Switch
Black, Brown, Green and Output Jack go to ground.
Output Jack Tip to Right-Middle Switch.


I find the stereo jack a bit confusing though, does it have two grounds, or what is the ring? thanks for the answers. // EDIT: Just answered my own question through the FAQ.. but would still need confirmation of the wiring..
Successfully built: Mosfet Boost, Red Llama, Crunch Box, SHO, RM Voodoo Vibe, Fuzz Face, Ross Comp, 9V Electric Mistress, Modded Crybaby


...Brown ? I don't see a brown.
 Green goes to ground
 jacks...signal path goes through the tip of all jacks AFAIK.
 mono jacks tip goes to switch to circuit / sleeve goes to ground
 >>>STereo jacks...SP goes through the tip [you're connecting tip connection of jack to switch middle left I believe]./ when a Mone plug is inserted...the sleeve of the plug connects the Ring and sleeve...this is the PS switch [when you remove mono plug from input jack battery/PS defeat] black [neg of battery] goes to ring, and sleeve [Gnd for box and circuit] goes to ground point.
 FOr double checks reference verification of above ramble....check out AMZ and GEO bypassing articles, they may have useful info for you there.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


ok, thank you. Just one last question  :oops: . Are the ground points of the effect connected with the ground points of the other electronics (pickups, switch and pots)?
Successfully built: Mosfet Boost, Red Llama, Crunch Box, SHO, RM Voodoo Vibe, Fuzz Face, Ross Comp, 9V Electric Mistress, Modded Crybaby


Yup, all grounds should be connected  :D

Marty. 8)
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