mcmeat...what's wrong

Started by HrD, March 22, 2005, 04:59:18 PM

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hi mcmeat builder...
i built this great efx...but it doesn't work...i don't know why...
those are all connection i make...

i've used four 4p3T rotary switch... i've locked two of those....they can do now only two position...

i didn't put send & return jack plug and no expression pedal (1 & 2)...

the problem is that i can listen only some strange modulation..turning some pot....the green led bright turning decay pot.. :?

i need a great help!


i've just got a McMeat working here...finally>>
But i've used a pcb....4sws *on* the pcb.   :-)
On the pics U posted... it a "bottom view" of the pots/switches?
4P is OK.. i used 3Poll, just like the original.
one sw is 4pos, 2 R 3pos, & 1 is 2pos.
Look @ the V @ the output of FWrectifier(D4?).
U should have approx 2V in "down" and 3V in "up".
When triggered, should jump to 6V.
Get the EnvelopeDetector working first.
Use the "indicator LED" to check for trigger.
Leave optos out so U won't damge them.
EnvLED is *on* in "up";  *off* in "down".
If not, check witing on up/down sw.
i'll have to look over your wiring later....
What are U feeding in as signal??
Give me a PM & we can troubleshoot offlist...
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