How to use a compressor CS-3

Started by JIG, March 26, 2005, 07:01:39 PM

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I know that a compressor is a subtle effect. I have a vague idea what one can do. Tried one out at the shop for a bit. What all can I make it do?

I know that you can set it for a crispy attack and set it for longer sustain. Other than that I don't know. HAve never owned a compressor.

I have heard that you can run one before or after your dist/od boxes with varying results.

How are you guys using yours and which ones are your favorites? Type of music played?



dave h.

i own a boss cs-3. use it all the time. that doesnt mean i think its great, it just does what it does. it could be better.

its the 2nd pedal in the chain, right after an envelope filter. this evens out the quackiness of the env. filter but unfortunately also brings up noise and that "shweeoooohhhsh" sound when you trigger it a little too much.

when not using the env filter, its really just set to compress the hell out of the signal and hit the front end of my amp harder, like a normal gain boost. that way, i set my amp gain lower, a lighter overdrive, and when i want lead tones, i just hit the cs-3.

i rarely ever play my amp clean without it.

is it the best compressor out there? no. im sure it's not. it gets noisy (at least with my amp) and sometimes it's almost too subtle. however, im glad i have it, and i use it extremely often while playing. if nothing else, youll figure out how to use a compressor and a few ways it will help your tone out. once you know what a compressor does, youll likely realize its good and bad points, so if you ever need to build one, youll know what to watch for.


I love stompbox compressors because I love clean guitar, they can make the notes sound less "plinky" and fuller and sustain a bit longer.   also you can go back and forth between big clean chords and single note stuff without a big volume drop. They can also make some octave dividers (like the boss OC-2) track more reliably.  They're also good for creating feedback at lower volumes, if you're that type.

This company has what is reputably a good noise reducing mod for your cs-3 that they've posted as a freebie

I'm permanently sold on supercompressed guitar from ( the RHCP's) guitarist) John Frusciante's first solo record, "Niandra Lades/ Usually Just a T-Shirt"


A lot has to do with where in the headroom spectrum you run your amp and at what volume. A stompbox compressor is going to mean different things to the person with a vintage Telecaster and a Fender Twin, and someone with a Les Paul and a dimed Marshall 18 watt.

Kerry M


Thanks for the replys!

I tried out the CS-3 at the local shop. I just picked up a Marshall ED-1 for about $20 cheaper, paid $40 altogehter.

I don't really know what to expect from a compressor having never used one. I will probably build one in the future. Getting ready to order a slew of material to get cracking on. But I figured that I need a compressor of some type to compare against, if you get my drift.


Mark Hammer

Not to sound snooty or anything, but compressors are one of those effects that take a more educated and planful ear to use properly.  People who tend not to think in terms of signal chains tend to plug into one and mumble "I don't get it.  What does it do?".

So, uh, what DOES it do?

1) It reduces the volume contrast between the loudest and softest notes you play.  This is great for rhythm guitarists backing up singers, since it gives them the freedom to whack away at the strings frenetically, with confidence that they will never overpower the singer (or whoever else is soloing).

2) It evens out level differences between pickups.  People like to experiment with phase-cancellation effects on multi-pickup guitars.  The trouble is that dickering around with cancellations to change tone also changes levels, making it risky to change pickups mid-song.  Compressors can help dictate level independent of pickup selection.

3) It can be used as a clean booster.  Because compressors generally produce their effect by reducing gain, almost every compressor will come with the capacity to re-amplify the compressed signal so as to produce a reasonable output.  The additional gain can permit the compressor to be used as a clean preset boost.  You don't HAVE to use it with the compression turned up full all the time.

4) It provides a more consistent signal level, such that other effects that depend on a certain signal level to sound their best can GET such a signal.  If you have a flanger/chorus/delay with a compander, you won't risk overloading the pedal, but if you have a chorus/flanger/etc which lacks any companding or input level adjustment, a compressor can keep it behaving well.  Of course, some folks prefer to stick a compressor AFTER an effect such that they get the level-stability benefits of the compressor, but still keep the capability to feed the preceding pedal very different levels, modulated by pick attack.

5) Since it works by reducing gain in response to input signal, that also means that gain is cranked when you aren't playing anything.  If the input signal is noisy, it will crank up the level of that noise when you aren't playing.  For this reason, it is generally recommended that: a) you feed it the highest quality guitar signal you can, and b) it be placed at the start of your signal chain, before any other pedals.  As noted, many folks find they like what a compressor does to a pedal BEFORE it.  That, in itself is not "wrong", but given how much noise some effects can add, boosting the constant hiss from a fuzz or flanger by 10db is bound to cause headaches.  Once you start playing and the gain is reduced, that's fine, but the silent parts will be anything but.  A noise gate downstream may be helpful.


I have a huge audio file that showcases what each effect does ( flanger, phaser, compressor, chorus, delay, etc) on my website.
Unfortunately, though it is only available to newsletter members (when sign up, the link will automatically be sent to you).

If you'd like, feel free to send a blank email to and that will put you on the newsletter member list.

Just wanted to let you know, in case you want to hear what one sounds like (and what each knob does).

Take care,


Thanks Mark and Brian.

I have heard the clips on your website Brian as I have purchased your complete DIY mod package. Listening to a compressor and playing one is a huge difference. I am starting to understqand them abit more.

Mark, your responses are always insightful and helpful. I really appreciate it! After all, it was you who got me started with tweaking my DOD FX50 fro the AMPAGE.

The ED-1 I am waiting for has controls for Emphasis, Volume, Attack and Compression. If my thinking is right, Attack effects the initial pick attack as in how fast it compresses while compression controls how compressed the signal will get. Vol = output vol. Emphasis??? What's this one do?

Thanks again,



BTW, my set up is either a LP or SG into stock CryBaby (need to tweak this one too :D ) early '80's Small Stone, MXR ZW-44, MZ-2, GE-7, CE-2, Dano DC-1 splits signal to cheap Digital Delay into stereo vol into 6V6 Marshall 1987 knock off adn dry signal into Stereo Vol into P1eX.




My CS3 is very noisy and I know of other people who have had the same trouble with them. There was a fix on here a while back but I can't remeber where it was or what the title was. I've stopped using mine and will probably be flogging it and making something of my own, although I must admit that I've not missed it since I stopped using it.


Quote from: colMy CS3 is very noisy and I know of other people who have had the same trouble with them. There was a fix on here a while back but I can't remeber where it was or what the title was. I've stopped using mine and will probably be flogging it and making something of my own, although I must admit that I've not missed it since I stopped using it.

I posted a mod for it - do a search for boss cs-3 mod and you should find it.

Take care,

Mark Hammer

Compressors ARE noisy. It's in their nature.  

Let me qualify that.  There is whatever noise the pedal produces at its output without ANY audio input whatsoever, and there is the noise it produces when a very low level input signal is applied to its input jack.  The first one probably CAN be improved upon with mods, though quite frankly I fail to see why Roland/Boss would have released a CS-3 unless a number of noise and distortion issues stemming from the already pretty damn good CS-2 weren't being addressed.  Indeed, one of the things that set the CS-2 apart from much of the crowd was the fact that Roland had a proprietary OTA made for them (the BA662), which "mere mortals" can not obtain.

As fot the second type/source of noise, read my prior posts on the matter.  Compressors crank the gain as much as they detect a need to.  Feed them an already hissy signal, and when you stop playing, the gain gets cranked and the hiss gets showcased.  Yes, there are certainly "golden ears" types whose comments or complaints reflect the first category of noise, but MANY players - the lion's share, I believe - confuse that second category with their compressor being a "noisy pedal".

Here's a good test to separate the two.  Plug your compressor into your amp and just stick a bare phone plug into the jack to power it up.  Listen good.  Now stick the longest cable you have into the input jack.  Now, plug that cable into your guitar, but don't play.  You will likely hear a difference in noise under each of the three conditions.