Shoot, .... my opto comp just blew up!

Started by vortex, March 28, 2005, 02:44:40 AM

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It made a nice "pop" when I powered up. It has worked great for some time now. I have checked it out, nothing looks fried. What components make a popping sond when they go? LEDs???


Heh! I popped a led when I built my Tremulus Lune! Just for fun (or out of stupidity) I put it's legs directly on the poles of a 9 volt battery, and it popped almost instantaneously... :roll: Don't know if it's because I put it on backwards or what, but it would seem led's do "pop"...

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Quote from: CoriolisHeh! I popped a led when I built my Tremulus Lune! Just for fun (or out of stupidity) I put it's legs directly on the poles of a 9 volt battery, and it popped almost instantaneously... :roll: Don't know if it's because I put it on backwards or what, but it would seem led's do "pop"...

I've damaged LED's by not using a current limiting resistor, just 'straightlegging' it to a 9V.
 I used to check them that way...the 'glancing blow' of LED LEads to battery wasn't 'glancing' enough...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Mark Hammer

Me, I'm lazy.  I like to keep a "nearly-dead" 9v battery sitting around for testing LEDs.  If it's <5vdc and barely tickles your tongue when you do the taste test, it's a good candidate.  Certainly a current limiting resistor is the safest approach, though, no matter what the battery voltage.


My DMM's diode test function will light the LED, ever so dimly.  Just barely enough to where you can see it looking straight on.
