Orange Squeezer +++ PCB

Started by nelson, May 01, 2005, 12:21:12 AM

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Ok updated the layout to have the proper jfet pinout. It should work. I may just etch a PCB myself and scavenge a couple of 2N5457 from an old project.
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Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


If it wasn't important to have all those pots lined up in a row (which doesn't help anyway) you could fold the circuit in half and the points for that jumper would be very close together.

I can't draw it right now (yes, I'm at work surfing the net) but if you cut the existing pic in half right between the "attack" and gain "pots" and rotate the left piece counter clockwise and repositioned it under the right piece (and redrwaw the traces to conect them) you wouldn't have to have that big jumper.



Personally I don't see the need for having the pot pads all-lined-up in a row along one edge of a PCB, it takes up tooo much real estate and cramps the layout.
(I/O and Power also)

Unless one is using PCB mount pots (which is like never 'cause they usually don't fit in 1590B/BB series boxes that way) the pot pads on the PCB should be nearest to the component they hook-up to, sheild as necessary.


This was only an opinion, but it works very well for me and I'm able to get more components into smaller boxes when I dissassociate the pot pads from the edge-connection notion.


Also, I forgot to ask, has anyone built this yet?


god its only a jumper.    :roll:

I just find it simply more convenient and neater to have the pot pads on the edge.

I am not quite sure what you mean, by moving areas of the PCB.

took me ages to do this, and as I said I havent designed many PCB's.

The layout is compact, I dont think I am going to do any further work on it unless there is a major flaw. Feel free to edit the layout as you wish the PDF isnt protected.

I am currently working on an EH clone theory layout, the MN3007 version.


After that it will probably be the Echoflanger, I will probably need alot of help on the Echoflanger/polychorus/polyflange. I tried the reissue, doesnt even compare to the originals charm and craziness.

Going to be a fun summer.
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Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


I build it on a perfboard, and it works like a charm. I love it! My only thing is the quick jump from uncompressed to compressed sound when you turn the bias pot. Tried to adjust is with the trimpot... keeps giving me a compressed sound even with the trimpot turned down complete..... Will try to dissolve the trimpot and use the pot only.
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


Quote from: nelsonThe layout is compact, I dont think I am going to do any further work on it unless there is a major flaw. Feel free to edit the layout as you wish the PDF isnt protected.
Here's another inexperienced crack at this.  Thanks, Nelson, for the cool puzzle.
I used Cadsoft's Eagle software for this.  At first, I made a version with no jumpers but then I modified it to have a ground jumper at one end and another jumper at the other end.  One could always switch it back to having everything on the bottom layer.

This layout is for either perfboard or pcb.  The pots (VR's) are not meant to be mounted on the board.  Their outline is just part of what's easy in Eagle.  This layout iss on a 10 hole per inch grid.  It's 22 x 15 holes, which is pretty small.  I am the only one who has checked it.

I guess failing to put the pad for the input on the edge is bad form?


may i interrupt you for a fairly simple question: i just built an unmodded squeezer (from a tonepad layout) but it's not working and i am currently audio probing the unit (i've done all the measuring and the numbers are quasi right give or take a volt). So here's my question:

is there supposed to be audio at the following points:

after the 470k resistor going to the 100k, diode and 4.70 cap. (the 470k seems to be ok when i measure it, but there's no audio coming out of the other end)

after pins 6 & 7 from the IC (there's audio at pin 5 which i presume is an input to the IC?).


hey nelson!  it occurred to me that since you are breadboarding this thing, you could actually figure out the right resistor where the 5k trimm goes.  or not?


I will measure it with me DMM when I find the sweet spot. I am really busy with exams jus now, I will update this thread when I get round to it, its next on my list :)
My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


You signature line is GREAT!!!

Made me laugh so hard I spit on the monitor.

Damn true too!!!!!!!!!


Nelson, nice work. I have a suggestion though. I didn't see many places where you utilized the area under a component for a trace. Remember that you can easily fit 2 traces under a resistor. This saves a ton of space and jumpers. Also, this applys to where you have some U-shaped traces as if they were wrapping around the component but remember that the component is on the other side of the board and that U-shape can be just a straight line.



The jumper doesn't really bother me at all, though I am a n00b, lol. From the looks of this conversation it seems this is a working layout, so I'm gonna try it.

I've been dying to build an OS for a while, but never did because I kept finding new mods for it, and no layouts to match, lol. Thanks for doing this work, I can't wait to try it out!


I have updated the layout with proper sized IC traces. I had mismeasured originally when drawing.  :oops:

If you plan on building this please use the most up to date layout.

can be found here.

This means you H4T

My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X



Shouldn't R5 (470 k) be connected to R6 and C5 ?


Your right....Thanks.

Layout changed.

Use same link. :)
My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


Has this layout been verified?  :D


Still havent built it yet....A compressor isnt high on my list of builds.......
Sorry, I will get round to doing it eventually.
My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


Quote from: nelsonStill havent built it yet....A compressor isnt high on my list of builds.......
Sorry, I will get round to doing it eventually.

Thanks for the note, I'm building one today, I'll post notes...

Also, thanks for the layout, if I make changes to your layout, can I post the changes as a .gif file on this forum?