out of the darkness of my heart.......

Started by troubledtom, May 15, 2005, 11:36:49 PM

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i have  a ADA flangner to rape,
   no kind bs ,or soul:wink: when i worked for minlolta  i cleaned
it up in a nubbe sort of way and it just sit's here.
  rock on
    -tom :D  :wink:  :?:  :idea:

Mark Hammer

Given the CV control input and the sweep and resonance range available, is there even any need to contemplate doing something unusual to the actual circuit?


i was in a strange mood, and was sick of looking at it. i never use it and in its current state it's as usefull as a door stop that i already have. i'd like circuit bend it or if some one was building one i might even let someone
barrow it to use as blue print or i could take it apart and take some pix if there was a need
          - tom


Isn't this the holy grail of flanging?

Sell it and make $$$ and kill something else? :?

Paul Marossy


aron your funny :wink:
it sucks tone for days. i could true bypass it and give it another chance.
sometimes killing is fun LOL.
    peace brotheraron,
              - tom :P

Mark Hammer

"Hey Ralph!  Check it.  There's a guy out front.  Wants to put fins and a spoiler on his Bentley"

"What?!  You're sh**ing me!"

"No, really.  I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted.  Not only that, he wants one of them cigar-smoking Woody Woodpecker things and racing stripes too.  AND he wants us to paint over the wood panelling inside.  I think the guy's off his rocker, but hey, it's his nickel, right?"

"Guess so.  Tell him to bring it around and back it into bay 3.  He's not armed or anything, is he?"

You want fins and a spoiler?  You got fins and a spoiler.  

The A/DA flanger has an on-board noise gate.  This is an envelope follower tied to the input stage and a FET hanging off the output of the delay chip (well, one op-amp downstream to be precise).  It is set up to be low resistance when not playing anything, and high resistance when you play.  The idea is that you can get away with much less lowpass filtering (one of the magic ingredients of the unit) if you just kill the delay signal when it isn't needed.  The clean/dry signal still gets through, but if you aren't actually providing any audio input, why bother listening to hiss and clock noise, right?

You will note in the schem that the sidechain that drives the FET is a very meat-and-potatoes rectifier with a non-inverting gain stage that uses the ground leg to set gain.  The noninverting stage takes its feed directly from the output pin of the input buffer.  Could hardly be simpler.

Does it NEED to take its feed from the output pin of the input buffer?  Not at all.  Would it take much to drive it with another signal source?  Not at all.

So, here's what you do.  Pop another hole in the chassis for a closed circuit phone jack - 1/8 or 1/4, your choice - and adapt the unit so that if you stick a plug in the socket, it lifts the connection to the input stage, and the envelope follower now drives the FET with whatever you feed it.

What good is it?

Well, howzabout a "stuttering" flanger what provides an intermittent effect?  Again, the dry signal still moves along uninterrupted, but the flanging effect gets cut out and in as it sweeps.  Just hook up an LFO with suitable levels, etc., to the extra socket.  If you want to get real deluxe, mount your control LFO in a volume-pedal assembly and make the rate of stutter foot controllable, or even fadeable.

Do you still want the decals and interior paint, or are the spoiler and fins enough? :wink:


thanx mark that's cool.
    i just love to @#$% shit up.
we're not talking distortion BS we're talk'n modulation fx.
if you have any other stuff to say PLEAZE say it.
mark i have so much in the way of respect for you , rock on.
       - tom