Quick Troubleshooting Question

Started by Matteran, June 17, 2005, 06:47:17 AM

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Hey. I just got a drill press, so I'm starting to put my working circuits into enclosures. I've got my lofo mofo all wired up in the enclosure, and it doesn't work. It worked before, so it's something to do with my wiring.

Now, when I move the level pot, I get more line noise through my amp when it's full, and no noise when the level pot is off. What does that tell me is wrong about the wiring?


maybe there's a contact with the enclosure somewhere.
I ususaly apply silicone glue (with the gun) on the solder side of the pcb, and generally wherever i judge there's a possibility to short circuit.


well, i did the test with the PCB suspended in the air without the enclosure fully closed. So there's no contact there. So there's just some short somewhere?