Hums and Gains?????

Started by cupbearer, September 04, 2003, 05:26:57 PM

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my friend has a huge problem with his effects chain.  

he runs his guitar into his tube creamer - then to his super feedbacker distortion (boss) - and then a serioes of ther pedals.  

the problem is this.  when he has the tube sceamer and the feedbacker on at the same time he get a loud hum from his amp.  this does not happen when he run either one of the previously mentioned pedals with his delay, and so on.  

the effects are running from a power source - we dont knwo if that makes a difference.  

does anyone have any suggestions on what could be causing the problem.

thanks in advance.  


Paul Marossy

That is usually what happens when you use two distortion pedals at the same time. It's been my experience anyhow.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Might help to run te first distortion via a regulated power supply.