Question about delay units.......please educate me

Started by rutledj, June 24, 2005, 05:08:39 PM

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Can someone go over the pros and cons of analog vs digital delay pedals?
What makes analog better?  Any comparison clips?

What brands of both types are considered the better unit?

I've never owned a delay pedal and am considering buying or building one.




I'm afraid this question is asked almost every week.
In the archive (available through the search function) you can find lots of threads on this topic.
Here's one:


Thanks. Guess I've just missed the discussion. I'll check the archives again.


I think the order goes like...
 Tube/Tape analog echo...
 The rest.
 They are getting pretty good with these digital units, especially bang for bukk wise.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


the word "better" is relative. Firstly in respect to the pedals you are comparing, and secondly in respect to your own taste and requirements.

Analog delays are considered to sound warm and natural, but they are not accuratly timed and the delayed signal is very degraded.

Digital delays are very accurate and clean, but can sound harsh and are often not suited to the same tasks as analog delays.

I have both, and there's not many sounds I use that I could interchange one for the other and get away with it.

apples and oranges, my friend!
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)