Good starter project

Started by jra2217, June 29, 2005, 03:34:26 PM

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i have read some really good info from this site, and building effects is something i have been wanting to try. I would evntually like to some time down the road build a low wattage tube head, but i though effects building would be a great way to start out.

My main questions is what do you all recommend as a good starter project, and a link to parts list and schematics would be cool too. The pedals sound quality really doesn't even have to be very good i am just looking to get started somewhere.

thanks for your time and help



Please try the beginner's project in the beginner forum.


i built the beginners project and its a great starter project! just finished last weekend. i recommend it to get you started.

and it sounds good!

i just need to stick it in a box...


Hi jra2217,

I'd also recommend Aron's beginner project for a first build....I don't think you could find a better guide to putting together your first project.  There's descriptions, pictures, and lists for every stage in the build...and every problem or question you might encounter has probably been covered too.  

In addition to all that, it's a great sounding booster.

Good luck!



cool i read up on what all was posted, i bought the begginer kit from small bear.

if this one works i am going to try the one post in the begginer forum, i just though it would be good because it came with everything, and it would give me a feel of what wire and parts to  use plus some curcuit board experience(soldering and the signal flow)

i will post back once i get it and get started, i will make sure to post in the right forum too, and i am sure i will have some newbee questions .

thanks for the input this site has been nothing short of extermly helpful.