Boss TR-2 tremolo depth mod; help please

Started by erikbojerik, July 20, 2005, 10:57:39 PM

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My first post...great forum!

I have a new Boss TR-2 tremolo that I would like to mod.  Basically, I'd like to modify the depth function in square-wave mode to give me a true on/off response, to mimic the kind of response you'd get by working a kill switch on the guitar itself.  But I'd still like to preserve the ability to change the wave and depth.

Or perhaps its not a depth issue, but the "corners" of the square wave are not so sharp...??  I dunno...

I have the schematic from a search, so if anyone can tell me how to do this, I'd be very appreciative.  I'm pretty decent with a soldering iron.



try taking r-19 down to about 3.3k or so.
Take care,


Hi erikbojerik,

perhaps this is not exactly to reply you . But could you please do me a favor: could you tell me all the ICs used inside your BOSS tremolo pedal? I just curious to this schematic, looks like lot of mistakes to the codes, the transistor also...

This is the schematic i got:

Thanks for advance.
M. IqbaL