what boxsize? and some Phaseur fleaur questions

Started by britt-stinker, July 21, 2005, 01:52:36 AM

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hey Im building a phaseur fleaur and with all the mods Im going to add it will have 10 pots, and 8 jack's(inp./outp. and 6 exp.) and of couse a led, and a stompswitch. Originally I had the idea that I could fit it in a bb size'd box but that really isn't a possibillity anymore. But what size of box should I use? I don't want it be to thick.
If someone could give me the dimensions to one that would be nice.

Also which program do you use to make box layouts? Can a program make the circle with the small lines in it that goes around the pot(the one that shows how much the knob is turned up/down)?
It has to be something that works with Microsoft

And the last questions.
The 100 Resistor on Aux. LFO (add to main LFO)http://commonsound.com/phaseur/auxlfo_add.pdfThe one that just saids 100), is this a 100K or 100R(OHM)??

And what kind of CdS cell should i use for the Aux LFO (to modulate main)http://commonsound.com/phaseur/auxlfo_modulate.pdf? Just the same like the one on the main board?

Thanks for all your help


Any help would be preciated. Because Im waiting to make a order for the parts for the mods