Help me with Japanese trannies

Started by Moonface, July 21, 2005, 05:23:28 AM

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I've been thinking, that are there any four digit (4- numbered) 2SA or 2SB germanium trannies. I know a lot of 2 and 3 digit germ trannies, but I've never been quite sure, are there any 4- digit germs?? Can you help me folks??


"Harro sweet cheeks, where you go sugar?".....(japanese tranny)

Mr Smallbear has the low down on usable japanese germs.
Go here....

cheers, Toney.

Mark Hammer

I have a databook on Japanese transistors that I am happy to consult for people.  Unfortunately posting is off limits for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is file size.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

In my Japanese equivalents book, the highest Ge numbers are:
2SA631 and 2SB714.
Plenty of smaller numbers are Si, though.