question about digital delay pedals

Started by rutledj, July 24, 2005, 09:03:21 AM

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Could someone explain to me what the Tap feature is all about on these pedals?



You "tap" on the pedal a few times (following the speed of the song) and the delay time automatically adjusts to sync with it. Also found on tremolos.

Eramos tan pobres!

Mark Hammer

"Tap" is simply a performance feature that allows the use to set repeat or modulation time based on feel.   Sometimes, it is just easier to set delay time by thinking "If it was set right, it would repeat right about.....NOW".  As well, once somebody says "...two, three, and..." and the band starts up, there is no accounting for what the actual rhythm of the song will be (Oh, I see you've worked with that drummer too, eh? :lol: ).  Since you can't simultaneously play and manually adjust the delay time until it sounds right , the tap feature allows the musician to sync up to the rhythm AS they play, and then engage the effect, knowing it will be set just right.  It's not for everyone, and its not always helpful for all delay times (useless as tits on a bull for slapback), but much like the army or a plumber, when you need it, you REALLY need it, and there is no substitute for it.


Bartender: 2 of his favorite drinks for Mr. Hammer!!

Quote... and there is no substitute for it.

Thank you, Mark: this is the 2nd time within ~ 1 1/2 years,
that you reminded me of a thingy that I urgently need to put into practice...  :wink:


Unless you have the luxury of having a band that will *sync* to your delay (U2 often had The Edge start tunes so they could match his delay setting), timed delay effects are hard to pull off live without a tap function. One thing that might cause some delay terminology confusion is the use of the word *tap* in the context of *multi-tap* delays. This refers to the model of multiple heads on a  tape-based unit (Echoplex, etc.).

If anyone here is interested in Audio Unit plug-ins, and both *tap* functions and multi-tap delays, check out Augustus Loop:

A very nice, very reasonably priced bit of software that GarageBand and Digital Performer users should check out. If I could get a reasonably priced hardware version, I would be in loop/ delay heaven.

Kerry M