HFE proportion on Fuzzface/Tonebenders ?

Started by Gil, July 25, 2005, 06:54:37 PM

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What should be the relation between two AC180 , AC188 or AC187 transistors on Fuzzfaces and Tonebernders ?

Should they have specific HFEs or the proportion between the transistor is what matters ?

For example, say the recommended proportion for Fuzzface is 70 for tranny #1 and 120 for #2 - will 250 and 400 work as well ?



A trip over to "Fuzz Central" will get you all you need to know, however
there is a "range" of values that work well.
Q1 60-90 hfe and Q2 110-140 have worked well for me.
If you go with those high values it may be harder to "bias" without a big
change of resistors, but may well "work" - at a very "high gain" though!!
You might like the resulting noise  :twisted:
Those are the recommended hfe values, proportional up/down wont quite
work the same :D

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