help me out here please ?!?!

Started by waix, August 02, 2005, 04:00:27 PM

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comeone anyone any thoughts one this??

bad wiring or broken switch?


if ya overheat the switch with the iron you could damage it.  Also it is probably wiring problem.


well guess it ain't the switch either

i probably just overheated a component on the board

guess desoldering the components of a board that doesn't work and use them again in a new one is a big no-no  :lol:


Do you have a DMM?  Use the continuity to test for shorts.  (except capacitors and resistors)  Try the audio probe from aron's site.  I never had luck with it, always just used the continuity tester,but others recommend the probe.

good luck

PS:i am sure it is very simple of a problem. Mostly wiring, :wink:
Try searching the forum about your pedal and maybe you will see something.


k i get sound if i pop out the transistor.(it's in the right position)

so i got to search for a short around there?


did you mention before that if you tip the board out of the box the pedal kicks on and off? That would mean wiring prob.  Make sure when you stripped the wire of it's insulation to expose bare wire to solder, that you didn't break the inside of the wire.  Try tipping your pedal around until it works then stick something underneath it to keep it there.
Also if you might be grounding something out, if the  wiring is sloppy and such, parts might be touching that shouldn't.

good luck  8)