Stupid question about resistors....

Started by strangegrey, August 13, 2005, 03:45:45 PM

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Here goes...Does:

4 - 1M (1/2 watt) resistors = 1 250K (2 watt) resistor

I'm not so concerned about the resulting ohm resistance of 4 resistors in parallel...I'm more concerned with whether or not 4 resistors in parrallel will be able to sub for a 2 watt resistor?

Thanks for any help...

Mark F

I do believe that resistor power ratings are cumulative when stacked in parallel. :)

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Yes, but perhaps don't butt them up against each other, the rating may assume that they are in "free air" (whatever that means!).
Think of the time my friend accidentally set fire to a dorm room by rolling up an electric blanket that was still switched on :oops:


Not a stupid question, the stupid answer I typed got put in the wrong thread though... :shock:
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