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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: azrael on December 28, 2010, 11:33:50 PM
I liked Wave Distort as well. Very fun feature. Bren a bit since I worked on it, but one of the grumpier can adjust the tap tempo brightness, no?
Wow, my phone's auto correct messed up this message! Glad you guys understood it, haha.


I was definitely confused by "the grumpier". :icon_biggrin:

a soBer Newt

Quote from: eniacmike on December 28, 2010, 10:41:59 PM

The tap tempo tremolo project from taylor over at This is a SWEET project. It was actually easier than building a regular tremolo because he includes the taplfo chip and it was mostly parts of the bench, although I did have to get a 20mhz crystal for it.

I think it I had to do it over again I would have put the enclosure turned portrait style because it is danger close with the pots and the pcb, either that or ditch the battery. I also would reccommend a less bright led for the taptempo. I used a super bright blue and it is blinding!
This is really cool the use of a crystal got me thinking. I wonder what would happen if you uses the LCT1799 to control the clock frequency. Get lofi sells a kit like this: one could even go as far to use the front half of a clair-not to control the speed of the clock.  Thought or should I just put my foot into my mouth now?


Hmm. that's an interesting idea. I guess the idea is to get dynamic speed control? Should work, but you'd have to limit both the high and low clock freq extremes.


that DOD has achieved the complete level of awesomeness Steve!
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


Quote from: azrael on December 21, 2010, 09:13:54 AM
Quote from: Pigyboy on December 21, 2010, 04:04:57 AM
My clone of the hard-to-find '74-'76 Ibanez Overdrive. This is a sick fuzz/overdriver. Me gusta mucho!
Whoa, nice! Any chance you'd share the layout? I haven't seen a good layout for this pedal ever.
And you'll have to admit, I'll be rich as shit
I'll just sit and grin, the money will roll right in....
                                                            - FANG


I just made a Tremulus Lune. Love the sound but if I see the waveform control on that puppy, I think I'm going to build a tap tremolo next!!
Great build btw!!


Quote from: solderman on December 22, 2010, 09:43:55 AM
Quote from: snarblinge on December 17, 2010, 05:21:34 AM
Nice use of these knobs, and I just love everything you've done with the colours on this thing, even the white washers are kinda ok on this,

reminds me of a milton bradley game or something.

I assume it will colour the tone quite a bit.... ;)

:D anyway here are some shots of the guts and the transistors used :D

@snarblinge, thank you, i wanted to try a more colorful approach on this since i've scouted for these knobs beforehand, which are also cheaper and appealing to me :D
so the end result is quite ok.


Here's a little LPB I built to test out a new pot-mounted layout I whipped up the other day. I used a BC239 instead of 5088, because I'm out of 5088, and the BC239 sounds pretty damn good! not as much boost available, but it still has plenty left.


I like that! pot mounting FTW



i made all of this last night:

regulated and highly filtered PSU. outputs are
9.1V 1A+
9.1V 200mA
9.1V 200mA
1.25-11.6V 200mA adjustable.

it's a black hammond enclosure with a smokey acrylic lid then a clear 5mm acrylic facia.
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!



Quote from: darron on December 31, 2010, 02:24:54 AM
i made all of this last night:

regulated and highly filtered PSU. outputs are
9.1V 1A+
9.1V 200mA
9.1V 200mA
1.25-11.6V 200mA adjustable.

it's a black hammond enclosure with a smokey acrylic lid then a clear 5mm acrylic facia.
Wow Darron,
This is really sweet.
And you'll have to admit, I'll be rich as shit
I'll just sit and grin, the money will roll right in....
                                                            - FANG


Hey guys, happy new year! :)
Here's my zombie chorus:

Guts (I'm trying to do my best to achieve a more clean wiring ;))

...And here's a sample of it inside a mix; it's the intro of "Cry for you" by Andy Timmons. I've added some delay and reverb to the guitar.

Joe Stone

eh, good enough. . .  this time around.
Si Fuzz Face- ggg layout.
haven't figured out enclosure etching yet.

more pics:

Fuzz Aldryn

New Octave Invader - this time smaller.:)


Quote from: Fuzz Aldryn on December 31, 2010, 11:46:55 AM
New Octave Invader - this time smaller.:)

Hows this sound?
Guts? Any layouts you're willing to share? :)

Fuzz Aldryn


do a little search here at this forum and you'll probably will find something suitable.... with a CD4024 and CD4070 - though I used a CD4040 and did some minor Mods to a very common design here. Probably the guys auf Catalinbread did the same with their new pedal called "Perseus" or 4ms with their Nocto Loco. I'm sorry but I can't share a layout at the moment.


Pedals By Tone

The last two pedals for 2010.........HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!