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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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^ yeah. very nice!... its got a nice deco look to it. .....yum yum lasers... :icon_cool:

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Thanks! Oh I must add... I only did the designing, then got someone else to do the lasering for me. Is that still considered DIY? ::)

I got the font by googling "Led Zepplin font". You can get many more cool fonts from

@darron: I get my enclosures from Mammoth Elec so they arrive already powder-coated:icon_biggrin: The lasers are not able to cut through laminated powder-coats though. I initially wanted to do it on the 'Tiger sparkle red' enclosure but it turned out like this:


Quote from: lietuvis on September 29, 2012, 05:56:19 AM
RAT clone, this pedal I've built about 18 years ago, it was my first cloned pedal, enclosure was cut and bent from aluminium sheet. Now I have redone the pcb and all parts are new, no mods.

you even drilled the holes - it makes me want to solder in all the components on the case, that would be extra cool  ;D


Quote from: tyzjames on October 05, 2012, 06:33:38 AM
@darron: I get my enclosures from Mammoth Elec so they arrive already powder-coated:icon_biggrin: The lasers are not able to cut through laminated powder-coats though. I initially wanted to do it on the 'Tiger sparkle red' enclosure but it turned out like this:

that's cool. it's still DIY. did you sand cast that enclosure yourself too? :P\

that's a bit odd with the laminate powder coating... sorry, just interested because it came up much better than results i usually get (:

go Mammoth next time maybe!
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


Etched and transparent red:

Made for a guy who needed a gift for somebody's 40th birthday. One year too late :).


^ who cares?! it's friggin' beautiful, bravo! now that it's useless as a gift, sell that perty thing for a lot of money  ;)
"...and weird on top!"


^ I love that case.

Rebote, or something else?
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


It took me awhile, but I just got it- "One Year Delay"!  Appropriate! :D
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


OK, finally, after years of building the damn things, I´ve amassed  a little collection. Here they are:

Easyvibe: Great, easy (doh!) alternative to a real Vibe.
Envelope Filter: The MXR one. Quite touchy threshold knob.
Tubby Screamer: A TS with added lows control. Had to do some real strange stuff with a double pot to get a highs control that responds more or less (actually, closer to less...)  like the original, that uses a weird pot taper.
No Name: A simple opamp buffer for the beginning of the chain

Univerb: The Belton Brick. It´s the BYOC circuit. Self designed PCB. The tone control is useful, the decay one not so much.
Ping Pong Delay: Also the BYOC circuit, again self designed PCB. Nice one.
Tonebender Mk III: NIIIICE!!! Uses 2SB175 japanese Ge´s. Added a voltage inverter with a 7660.
Trimod: The Runoffgroove Trivibe. A nice subtle mod pedal. I like the subtle phaser.

My Tubeman, from around 1993. Still works. Not DIY, but... uses high B+ for the single tube but sadly the clipping is from a diode bridge. Booooo! Works best as a preamp into a tube power amp. Awesome in that configuration. Other uses, not so good.
Fender Amp Sim: This is the LHX2 website´s Fender amp sim, cab sim and a 3-band active EQ all in one box, mains transformer included. Has a nice OD.

Runoffgroove Splitter/blend: One of my first builds. The swiss army knife of audio. Extremely useful, one of the builds that has seen constant use through the years in one way or another.

Phase 90: nice one, but never was really really satisfied with the sound. Too subtle for my tastes? Maybe.
Sick Wah: A Seek Wah workalike. Schem /PCB by me with parts taken from different places. The random mode doesn´t really work but it makes some interesting noises nonetheless. A very cool thing I did is to add another switch to get not only 4, 6 or 8 steps but 5 or 7 also. Long live odd meters! Very laborious to fit all the stuff into the box!
Sansamp: A challenge to find suitable, small switches to fit it into a reasonable size box. For me, best at high gain sounds. Another box layout challenge.
Ross Comp: Currently not working, made into a style of box that was the only available stuff here in argentina a few years ago that resembled a stompbox. Kind of clunky.

Some older builds in the before mentioned boxes.
Parametric EQ: Some Japanese schem. Never really used it for anything.
Highway 89: Made it so long ago that I don´t even remember how it sounds...
Mosfet Booster: My first complete pedal! Still works. You don´t want to look at the inside... super cheap plastic switch. Don´t stomp it too hard!
Super Buffer: An AMZ project. I made it with 4 outs, so more of a splitter. Useful little thing.

MXR Noise Gate/Line Driver: A "permanent" loan from a friend. gues is from the 70´s more or less, so quite vintage...
Tonemender: A nice, super duper clean pre with tone controls. Would be nice as a pre for a jazz amp or something.
Meta Fuzz: A Ge fuzz face with a modded Big Muff Tone control, external bias control and a voltage inverter.
My TS9 felt lonely and sneaked in there too. Made in Japan.

Loop Box: This is an external active loop with mix control and patch box for an amp with a passive serial loop. Uses voltage doubling stages so internally it works on 27-28V!!! I wanted maximum headroom and absolutely no clipping from it.
Tremo Box: This is some Boscorelli project, a tremolo but with a HP and a LP filter working out of phase, I believe in imitation of some Fender amp´s tremolos. Very nice but noisy, so much so that I had to add a NE571 noise reduction board to it.
Meatball: Tweaker´s dream. I find that it has waay too many controls to be practical, you forget about playing and end up twisting knobs for hours! Some day I´ll make a version with less knobs.

Well, there´s more, later I´ll upload more pics.


footswitch with double loop and boster with loop "man in a maze"

crunch box

a simple loop

bastards in action

Mac Walker

Bronx Cheer, DIY case.  This sounds really cool when you roll off your highs on guitar and mute notes, sounds just like a synth from the 70's...

Electra, DIY case from sheet metal from a dead microwave

sorry these pics are so big, no time to fix....


>Electra, DIY case from sheet metal from a dead microwave

Nice!  What are you using for a break?
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...

John Lyons

What are you using for a break?

He doesn't take breaks. Just keeps on going.  :D

Nice stuff Mac.
Basic Audio Pedals

Mac Walker

Ha ha, thanks.  I created a thread for the setup I use, posted here:


R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Shetland Klony #2, this time with a kilt. This was to verify a layout, so no mods this time. Anyone looking to build one can visit Jimmy's site and pick up a board:

My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


{DIY blog}


Quote from: cloudscapes on October 08, 2012, 03:14:08 PM
Amazing job keeping the layout tight!

All glory to the hypnojimmybjj. I agree, he does really elegant layouts, and it never felt cramped while working on it despite the 1/8W resistors.
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


Truly inspiring metal cases!
But the 14 year old in me thinks the stomp switches look quite "erect".


Posting some of the many pedals I've built the last few months..
I'll start off with an Axis Face that sounds AWESOME! BC108 transistors with a hfe of 50 and 115. It easily replaced the tonebender I had on my board. Sorry about the messy guts, a few mods back and forth doesn't look good..

DOD 250, nice and transparent OD. A "must" for the DIY freak. This was not able to replace the modded OD-3 I have on the pedalboard.. Anywho,it looks quite nice!

No reason for the power draining LED lighting up the guts, but the mojo!