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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: cloudscapes on March 26, 2007, 08:14:19 PM
It's a bitrate reducer, bitcrusher, degrader, whatever. Much like an older build of mine. Only this one has less bleedthrough (good!), uses one battery instead of two (good!) and has a new "splode" feature which creates some nicely destructive and pseudo-random crackles and glitches along with the sample-reduced signal.

cloudscapes - which schem did you use for your crusher?  also, care to provide the details on how your "splode" mod works - how it's connected/what it's doing?


Quote from: theMACHINE on March 29, 2007, 12:28:34 PM
I give you:

The amazingly smooth and fury treble booster from hell (tiger edition).

oooo hairy little 1!!!!   coool!    Just love it!
Though, U have to use vacuum cleaner from time to time  ;)
great looking pedal.   



My first etched enclosure - a Neovibe dressed up as a Univibe knock-off, kind of.  Knock-off is as knock-off does.  :P

It's a poor photo and not very adventurous artwork for the enclosure, but thought I'd share it anyway. Didn't come out too bad considering I etched for too long. It seems that's the only crucial bit of info missing from the otherwise excellent album of instructions: how to tell when it's "done"


FOXX Tone Machine, using Plasti-Kote Fleck-Stone spray paint and label maker graphics.


I love it, dxm1. I've been planning of building a real asphalt-covered Hwy89 myself, perhaps the spray paint would be a better idea.


John Lyons

You may go so far as to call it a Foxx Stone machine... (Sorry had to do it.)

Maybe get one of those fake bricks and put thing in there...Ha!  Although you would have to build "the Brick" in that one.
I'll stop now...


Basic Audio Pedals


Some mods I did to my Blues Jr.

Added/doubled the 47uf 450v cap with the same value.

Replaced the Mid, and Bass caps, added a "cooler" resistor (the blues one) so the output tubes aren't running hotter than they should, and I added a presence control. The DPDT switch on the presence control was for a clean boost, but I didn't want it so I'm going to swap it for a regular pot, and use this one for another project.

Top view of where I placed the presence control.

Overall the sound is much better... less "muddy/boxy" bass, the mid control is more intense, the presence is a really cool added feature, and the hum was reduced... not drastically, but a definite improvement.

The user formerly known as NoNothing.

Stuff I built!


Where is th ealbum with etching instructions?


MarkM's gallery in the Layouts Gallery.



looking good man.  Nice clean etch. did you get the desired sound from your Jawari?
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


A rebote delay with a huge diode!


Oh man, where do they sell LEDs like that?  That's HOT.


Quote from: $uperpuma on March 31, 2007, 11:57:37 AM
looking good man.  Nice clean etch. did you get the desired sound from your Jawari?

Thanks man! Truth is that I never got a clean etch on my previous boxes, but the were all 1590BB or bigger still. The size or rather width of the box plays an important role in getting a flat surface. Much easier on a smaller box like this. Tis a PICTURE PAPER etch. My sheets of PNP remain unused  :D

Soundwise is really twangs like the soundclips, and it's not noisy at all, but has a slight volume drop. Did use some leaky GE transistors that checked out right for the Ge voltage drop. Do find it hard to judge whether it could sound better. Do the GE type of diodes influence the sound?



My new favorite pedal, the Creampie:

And my Rebote. Labeling didn't come out too well on this one:


Anyone under 18 do not google creampie!  :icon_surprised:

Here's my 4ms atoner... well it's gonna be when I get round to finishing the wiring.


Looks great, leon!


leon looks really great!  where'd you get those knobs, btw?


Quote from: KaptenSpark on March 31, 2007, 12:04:49 PM
A rebote delay with a huge diode!

I sure would be interested in seeing the insides of this one! Can you make that happen?

HEY BEAN.... Whats that thrid knob on the Creampie? Whats it do?
It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


Quote from: Pushtone on April 01, 2007, 11:18:00 AM
HEY BEAN.... Whats that thrid knob on the Creampie? Whats it do?

It's a warp control borrowed from the AMZ site:

Specifically, I used this with two germ diodes, and it is really useful: