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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: John Lyons on October 19, 2013, 11:38:33 AM
Nice boxes mthibeau. Those first two are my faves.

Quote from: tubegeek on October 23, 2013, 06:23:36 PM
mthibeau: you have a nice way with a paint pen, I like the results! I think the black and white racing stripe one is my favorite.

Thanks and Thanks!

I owe it all to this thread, so much inspiration and examples of killer stomps!


Quote from: storyboardist on October 21, 2013, 09:50:11 AM
Built another fuzz face clone (I gotta start branching out...), this time using some old terminal strips I salvaged out of an old stereo.

The output caps (ran 2, 5nF caps in parallel), the LED resistor, and most of the wire is from the same stereo. Used some NOS Russian МП38a germanium transistors and sound great!

are you using a reverse log pot for the fuzz? and what value? mine should be set around 90% to achieve the bite.


Quote from: tubegeek on October 23, 2013, 06:17:46 PM

This is drilled and ready for an OCD clone - I have translated "OCD" to "attention to detail" because they're the same thing, right?
The main paint is rattle can: grey self etch primer, and then a mix of red and white mist coats. Then a little thinned shellac to iron the laser toner graphics onto (the shellac seems to help the toner iron on and stick to the paint better.) Finally some clear coats over the toner. Almost done, but my track record for this particular box is, that means I'm about to screw it up somehow. I've sanded this one clean four times already, and I still had to photoshop out some yucky spots before I was willing to put a photo up.

hmm... for some reason I assumed the paint would melt from the iron..


Quote from: therealfindo on October 24, 2013, 12:48:35 PM
hmm... for some reason I assumed the paint would melt from the iron..

"The first four times, we figured it was an isolated incident." - Angry Pete

"(Chassis is not a magic garbage dump.)" - PRR


Mastodon / Wooly Mammoth Clone from GPCB
This is a GPCB mastodon etched and built by Captain Peyote on the inside and I did the outside.  It's all wooly looking around the edges to give it "that" look. Hope you dig it as much as I do.


I like the use of different knobs for EQ and pinch.
Consistency is a worthy adversary


Three builds.
I do build some of the schematics from the sim screenshots I post
top left a circuit based on the last sim of mine in this thread
right side NPN boost ver2 with a resistor change
Bottom left a boost based on this changed some values need test this one.

Had some fun painting.  Two of the boxes are a black hammertone then a bronze hammertone dusted on from a distance followed by a clear coat all painted when the coats are wet.  Built for testing that is why no LEDs


^Am I loosing my mind or is there only one jack on each of those pedals?

What kind of knob is on the right one? Looks great.


^It must be the angle. The one on the right looks like a trapezoid.  ;)
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Quote from: mth5044 on October 26, 2013, 12:42:08 PM
^Am I loosing my mind or is there only one jack on each of those pedals?

What kind of knob is on the right one? Looks great.

Could be a stereo jack for both in and out, i've done that with loops to save a jack, Use with a "Y" cable.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


Looks like the pic was shot close up with a wide angle lens. Bet that the other jacks are just hidden..
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


The picture was taken on top of an ottoman so the boxes are at an angle and you can't see the jacks
The knob is a Daka-Ware
I think it is the 1913 model.  I bought the knobs years ago 5 to in a bag GC/Waldom WA-102-P


the next question: how do you remember what went into which boks, and how to tell them apart?
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


I left markings off on purpose. 
The builds were made as test builds.

I believe the less a tester knows about what the box is suppose to be the better the feedback.
I often leave the room when someone is testing a build of mine to minimize my influence on the outcome.

in on the right, out on the left, gain on the right, level on the left.


Quote from: Gus on October 26, 2013, 06:51:36 PM
The picture was taken on top of an ottoman so the boxes are at an angle and you can't see the jacks
The knob is a Daka-Ware
I think it is the 1913 model.  I bought the knobs years ago 5 to in a bag GC/Waldom WA-102-P

The angle thing is still blowing my mind. Especially for the one of the bottom left. You can see from the switch that it's basically a head on shot, but no nut in site. Not even if you star really long...  :icon_lol:

Thanks for the knob info!



Thank you! Kinda got carried away. The rest of the pedal is over here.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


+1 ^

That pictures page is incredible.
"...and weird on top!"


Davent should build me a pedal.
Consistency is a worthy adversary


Makes me not want to post. Ever. :)
Mockingbird wish me luck.