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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Nice one John! Is the LED concealed under the decal?

Glops... always stunning, unique and other-worldly... transported back to us from some dystopic future. Great stuff!

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


Nice work with the Pour-on John!

I hear ya about putting it on everything, It really makes wood grain pop!

Glops nice designs the double beat almost reminds me of greeble plugins , cool stuff!


Thanks davent and Mustachio!

Wow, never discovered the world of greebles and nurnies. I am fascinated!


Quote from: davent on January 10, 2014, 06:19:11 PM
Nice one John! Is the LED concealed under the decal?

Glops... always stunning, unique and other-worldly... transported back to us from some dystopic future. Great stuff!


Thanks Dave and Jim. Yeah, the LED is under the image - sort of... I drilled a small hole for the LED.  I used an inkjet printer and photo paper. I glued it to the enclosure and sprayed it with 5 coats of varnish to protect the ink from the Envirotex. I had a problem with the Envirotex running through the pot and switch holes, pooling on top of my support underneath, and then sealing off the LED hole. When I went to dig the epoxy out of the LED hole, it made the residual epoxy in the hole partly opaque. So I dug more until I hit the back of the photo paper. That didn't look great either. So I dug some more until I had removed the photo paper.  I was left with a frosted look on the underside of the epoxy. It's not bad. I figured worse case I could drill it out and expose the LED lens or install an LED holder.

Something I learned is that the combination of super glue and an accelerator is great stuff!  I used this combination on the LED, the Belton brick, and the plastic insulator under the PCB. You place a drop of superglue between the two objects you're gluing, and then drop a drop (or spray) of accelerator on the superglue and it instantly sets up. No waiting and super strong!

Here's an example of the accelerator:
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...

smurfedelic smurfberry

Good work John!

(and well, everyone else pretty much, there's so many nice builds here in the past days, both conventional and innovative)
Hi! My name is Petter and I'm from Sweden. This is my blog:


R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


This is a Paia/Craig Anderton ring modulator. The case is one of those Hexi-Hammond deals.(and boy,did I need the extra space!)

There are a few mods. A cap/rotary switch for selecting high/mid/low pitch caps and a photo resistor/stomp switch to do wild pitch/freq shifting via the foot!
(The opto-resistor was glued into a heavy duty jewel lamp holder that had the glass smashed outta  it god knows when)

The power jack on the back will be fore a future 18v bipolar power supply. I have a "Pigtail" dual 9v with male plug to get by with for now)
In/ out jacks and a fx loop ta boot! I will use a Ray Wilson bipolar design when i get some funds for parts!
The small null trimmer pot is a bit of a hassle.I will need to drill a small hole in the bottom to access it with a small plastic  screw driver, or mount a good Allen Bradley mini panel mount one on a blank side wall!
Big thanks to PRR,Mr.Mark Hammer,dwmorrin for the input on the powering up issues! I will use a Ray Wilson bipolar design when i get some funds for parts!
Also Scott Lee over at PAIATALK forum.


Not as clever as most everybody here, but this is how I finished a BYOC Leeds Fuzz.  Been a fan of that album since Junior High, so I thought the graphics were appropriate.   Geoff

Cheap guitars, homemade amps and garage rock technique.  But I have fun.


Hum free ABY thanks to R.G
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Univibed electro harmonix phaser. Has a velleman strobe circuit. "Ra-trod" radio knobs.

I have to build a separate footswitch box. Gotta find sump'tin' neato to put 'em in!


Lots of cool stuff going on there Mike! What was the enclosure in its former life?
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Quote from: Jdansti on January 12, 2014, 07:30:14 PM
Lots of cool stuff going on there Mike! What was the enclosure in its former life?
That came from one of my thrift store shopping jaunts. Huge place. All the doors, windows and lighting fixtures were in the back of the warehouse. I see this thing that looks like it coulda been hung out over a framed movie  poster circa 1930's at the Bijou cinema. They were the end-caps mounted to a fluorescent fixture. Had sheets of tiled glass crammed betwixted them. A few cracked. I ask a fella whats pushin' a broom all about the place, "how much?" Says he"dunnow...gotta ask the supervisor." He comes back "ten dollars?" and marks it so with a red sharpie pen. "Thanks!" says I.( I reckon I were gonna turn the sheets that were not busted into some retro bathroom shelves at some point.) So, I gets me prize home and straight to it, I de-construct it with my tools. The brass ends sat in the junk pile for quite a while. See, they are not even and straight( I doubt the fella what cut them in the first place ever thought someone was gonna stick them together in close proximity  and  take note of the discrepancy!) and I contrived to cut them straight-like.Grind em on the wheel till they be straight But the fear of destroying them hindered me  mightily! Finally, I seem to grasp that they should be joined as they came. So, I gets a scrap o' oak and makes me a bottom. Ya can't sees the feets. They be brass pointy lobbies I bought from a chap in HongKong. "speaker spikes", on E-bay. I cobbled the whole lot together with the oak and some brass screws. And it sits on my bench until I got the bug to univibe a small stone phaser. I can't help but think of the artwork on the Floyd album Division Bell when i cast me eye upon it................


Great story behind it!
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


that is some proper old-school Doctor Who stuff, Mike. nice! they don't need all that CGI on the current series, they need to hire you!
Recovered guitar player.
Electronics manufacturer.


Stereo Tap Tempo Tremolo based in part on the Cardinal using essentially every feature of the TAPLFO. It has TRS or dual mono inputs, Sync in and out, Expression pedal input selectable between the Rate and Multiplier (he wanted the multiplier instead of depth, otherwise I would have used a 3PDT toggle instead of a rotary ... the multiplier is a pain), and even a switch to do Harmonic and Vibe (per the Cardinal)!

Here's what it sounds like. Direct to a Scarlett 18i8 into GarageBand, sparkling clean for the amp (with the effects removed). Little bit of reverb. Don't really have time to do a video demo of this one.


Square Wave stereo > sine wave stereo > Vibe mono (slightly offset wave for some lope) > Harmonic stereo > Vibe stereo (surprisingly awesome) > Harmonic mono

The jacks are drilled in the back with exactly enough room to put seven normal right angle plugs next to each other, but something like George L's or straight plugs will fit much easier.

This was for a customer in Switzerland. I hope he's happy with it, it was a HUGE amount of work figuring out all the wiring and switching and I'm not keen on ever building another regardless of price. :p  (Also thanks to PRR for putting my mind at ease about the input buffering and for hitting me with the sensible stick about the switched jack on the input.)

p.s. I did fix the mistake in the waveform graphic. :P
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


Holy crap, Jon!  I hope you provided an instruction book with it!   ;)
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Quote from: Jdansti on January 13, 2014, 03:22:53 PM
Holy crap, Jon!  I hope you provided an instruction book with it!   ;)

The "owner's manual" is a 6-page Google doc.
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


6- pages- not surprising!  Lots of combinations of settings.
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...



I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.


@kev: is that the space set complete now?.. 8)

@john midway.. i love the deliberate naivity of the graphic.. 8)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//