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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: a.b.o.z. on May 09, 2007, 09:32:59 AM
i took it from my old man. it was some kind of electronic device...i don't know what. it was dead when i found it :)
Ok, thanks for the info.

Visit my site:


This is my last pedals : Sansamp GT2 rack version!

...How can i insert images  ???


/Tried to leave photos  , but cant & I couldn't delete the post , just the link to the photos , & have to click to get to them , upload my pictures to yahoo , any help appreciated !



Go to (or any other uploading site, imageshack just doesn't require an account), and upload your picture.
Copy the plain image URL, and enclose it in these tags:
[IM*] Image URL goes here [/*IMG]
Remove the asterisks. 


The first one should be [IMG*] not [IM*] the last one is correct

Remove asterisks....
Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


Hi All

I've lterally spent DAYS of free time looking at the images in this thread. I love DIY stuff! You guys are so talented and inspiring.

I just got into doing DIY guitar pedals and electronics a few months ago. Here are some of my first projects. These are all based on a single transistor fuzz that is built on tube amp-style terminal strip:

The Fireball Fuzz

The guts:

The Fuzzee Bunny

...and the guts:

Evil Eyes!

Thanks to Forrest Mimms, Craig Anderton, Jack Orman, RG Keen, Andrew Carrell, Aron Nelson, Beavis Audio, and all the other "usual supects" who have shared so much time and knowledge, I've been entertained and enlightened at the same time!


what? is Forrest M. Mimms posting in this forum????????? The REAL Forrest M Mimms???
Tubes are overrated!!


 :icon_redface:Uhhhh, no prolly not, but he is behind a lot of people getting interested in DIY electronics. I'm not sure I've ever seen Craig Anderton post here either but this is the only venue I'll ever have to thank 'em anyway.


Well i read his "my beginnings in electronics" when i was 13..every day, like a bible..i didnt understood much at that time.. and all the information stood there floating around my brain...until i began to build things at the age of 28 and everything was there!!! and started to make sense... now, thanks to that book, i understand alot of electronics....

Forrest..thank you

..and dont run....
Tubes are overrated!!


Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


here is my lastest build
bazz fuss, i originally was going to etch this box, but i thought "nah, i just do it on other fx projects"
plus im still trying to figure out a way to cover the holes on the top
used mpsa14 and 1n4148, no led, couldnt be bothered
here it is next to my fx loop
and the rest
the little hole is the dc jack, i didnt want to desolder it and file out the hole and mount/resolder it so i just hot glued it to the box
no guts shot... i am ashamed of the guts...
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


ambulancevoice, it seems as if your links are dead...
"Rock 'n roll keeps you young, but you can only get away with that for so long. Eventually you become too old to stay young. And I think that's the point I reached" - David St. Hubbins


All your links take me to Wikipedia, dude.


One too many "http://"


yeah, just take away the first http
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Sansamp GT2 front :

and back :


This is my fetzer valve :

Loveclone brownsource and big cheese :

and this is a pocke phone amp!


here it is again

here is my lastest build
bazz fuss, i originally was going to etch this box, but i thought "nah, i just do it on other fx projects"
plus im still trying to figure out a way to cover the holes on the top
used mpsa14 and 1n4148, no led, couldnt be bothered
here it is next to my fx loop

and the rest

the little hole is the dc jack, i didnt want to desolder it and file out the hole and mount/resolder it so i just hot glued it to the box

no guts shot... i am ashamed of the guts...
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


UGH terrible pictures
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Quote from: Samugo on May 11, 2007, 07:06:04 PM

I love the lime green/ yellow chickenhead knob combination.  What is the extra (5th) setting on the green cheese?