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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 22, 2014, 03:24:42 PM
Quote from: peterg on October 20, 2014, 08:51:28 PM
B1m switched oscillation pot to feed the end of the circuit back to the start

That 1MB Oscillation pot looks suspiciously like a small rotary switch  ???

Is that a PCB mount pot with the leads bent?

Nope. It's a switched pot.

Please see item 2 on the attached page:


Hi Peter, Are the group of six knobs from A1 as well, part # GW4028-0? Set screw or push on and... i assume you drop around to their store, know much about  their other offerings, set screw/push on? Ok i see now some are indicated so again assume, if nothing said they're push on.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


Dave. You're right about the product number. They have set screws.  A1 have a mix of sets screw and push on knobs.


EP Booster (madbean version with SMD J201)


This is my latest build, a BE Musket clone.

This is the first time I've used Eagle and had a PCB fabbed (OSH Park), I've since revised this board by removing the two vias I had, increasing the pad sizes and fattening up the traces.

Box etched with NaOH and painted with metallic purple acrylic spray.

Here are the pics;

Cheers! :)


Emerson Paramount circuit in a 1590LB box:


Do you have space enough in your pedalboard for something like that?  ;D

You could think about a mini portable pedalboard with some tiny pedals like this. Maybe for using a mini amp.
But with a standard sized guitar.  :P
«There is something even higher than the justice which you have been filled with. There is a human impulse known as mercy, a human act known as forgiveness.»
Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov's The Cave Of Steel


Loop FX


Quote from: LucasElerBrazil on October 26, 2014, 08:08:48 AM
Loop FX

looks good, are you running water through that pipe to keep the jacks cool?

and peterg - ..............
Hey, Scoop - how's your security clearance?

Check your Signal level there, Scoop - I thought you said witchhunt.


Quote from: duck_arse on October 26, 2014, 09:16:36 AM
Quote from: LucasElerBrazil on October 26, 2014, 08:08:48 AM
Loop FX

looks good, are you running water through that pipe to keep the jacks cool?

and peterg - ..............

Hi, The photo seems to be a barrel of water cooling. But it is not. It is a rigid wire used to make the connection of the grounding of Jack.   :)


Quote from: peterg on October 25, 2014, 04:19:45 PM
Emerson Paramount circuit in a 1590LB box:

YES. I love these boxes. Super clean looking build, and I love the trimpots instead of regular pots. Any plans for a full miniaturized board?
"Some people love music the way other people love chocolate. Some of us love music the way other people love oxygen."


Quote from: vigilante397 on October 26, 2014, 02:11:37 PM
Quote from: peterg on October 25, 2014, 04:19:45 PM
Emerson Paramount circuit in a 1590LB box:

YES. I love these boxes. Super clean looking build, and I love the trimpots instead of regular pots. Any plans for a full miniaturized board?

Thanks Nathan. Nope, no plans but I think I'm on a slippery slope!


Hi all!
Long time reader, but never posted. I really enjoyed this topic, and finally decided to post my own pics. These are my latest builds/protos... Hope you like it  :)

It was a busy summer, even the 20mm "Jem-style" knobs are DIY :D


Wow some sweet builds guys!

The depth you got on that NOS etch is sick Edy!

The detail you got on that etch is sick too Graham! Your design and execution is great!

The water cooling cracked me up Duck haha, nice build though Lucas.

That mini pedal with the trim pots on the bottom is awesome peter great design, I think people really love the small pedals to save real estate on the pedal board! And the fuzz you made a few pages back WOW!

Wow those are bright Gui, nice builds real clean look.

I know I missed a bunch from a few pages back like DA's light plates, and mouse's amps and pedals , the hand cut fuzz pcb and a bunch of others. Awesome stuff guys ! The build quality you guys put out is amazing!



gui: i'll did you get the text on the fender knobs?...waterslide?.. 3D print?..etc...looks cool. 8)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Quote from: Gui113m on October 26, 2014, 08:02:51 PM
Hi all!
Long time reader, but never posted. I really enjoyed this topic, and finally decided to post my own pics. These are my latest builds/protos... Hope you like it  :)

Impressive showcase. Gonna show us some guts?  8)
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 27, 2014, 12:47:35 PM
Impressive showcase. Gonna show us some guts?  8)

I was wondering the same thing 8)
"Some people love music the way other people love chocolate. Some of us love music the way other people love oxygen."


Quote from: deadastronaut on October 19, 2014, 03:31:17 PM
ended up making a lightplate for my vol too... 8)

Dude, I feel like I've been transported back in time to the set of Saturday Night Fever! I can hear the Dennis Coffey licks already!

Nice job.

Alejandro B.

Amazing jobs as always!!! This thread is a constant source of ideas and inspiration!! It´s the world greatest forum for pedalholics!!!

One of my last buildings. A simple loop with an addictive killswitch stomp switch idea of a great friend. Little more to say... loop and killswitch  :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen:

Hope you like it  ;)!!

PS: Edited to resize!!

Alejandro B.

By the way... how I reduce the size of pics  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???