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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Sure, glad you like it.

The design was made in PS CS2, took a couple of minutes, and several hours of dreaming designs....
Its printed on sticky back plastic, the only junk the local copy shop had in store.

Did I mention its my first pedal? :D


John Lyons

Here are the last couple I've done.

Maestro RM-1 ring mod clone with a distressed copper top.
Thanks to Mick Farlow for the bare box!!! (available on the for trade/for sale page)

Tweed covered Hwy 89


Basic Audio Pedals


Hey John,

Awesome work... and Thanks for the plug.

The more I look at the RM, the more I like it.....very stylish......

Great Job!



another octavia.  i added the octave on/off switch and the tone/recovery stage from a foxx tone machine.  it doesn't work as well as on the foxx, but it still gets the job done...


Quote from: caress on July 04, 2007, 01:00:56 AM

Man that paintjob creeps me out! It looks like some maniac painter decided to make a great peaceful painting, but then all of a sudden started to kill someone instead. What were going through your head while painting it?

Love the guts though, nice and clean!
And that glue gunned perf....  ;D
Man ska inte ligga med lik

Dan N

This thread should be a coffie table book!

Cudos to Mick for the new enclosures!


very nice paint job
blood spatter rules
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Phase 45 with mods (rate LED, vibe setting, both come highly recommended) finally etched and now officially good looking! One of my better looking etches, this. Nice and deep. I've found a photograph of a banana on Google images, grey-scaled it, used the "posterize" filter in Photoshop CS2 and adjusted the contrast and brightness until it was sufficiently black and white. Then I've used the magic wand to select everything that's white with anti-aliasing off, pasted that on a black background and then it was REALLY black and white. PnP, iron, etch, scrub, paint, scrub. Covered the existing holes with duct tape, this works really well. It was the dull grey cheap kind that sticks like a bad analogy.



[borat mode on/]

very nice!

[borat mode off/]


Quote from: remmelt on July 05, 2007, 09:07:40 AM
...grey-scaled it, used the "posterize" filter in Photoshop CS2 and adjusted the contrast and brightness until it was sufficiently black and white. Then I've used the magic wand to select everything that's white with anti-aliasing off

looks great simple but effective, wish id thought of it! GIMP has a brilliant threshold filter sounds a hell of a lot easier that in PaintShop and GIMP is free!


Quote from: remmelt on July 05, 2007, 09:07:40 AM

I had to follow up on this. I posted the pic in another forum and see what I got as reply:


My current rig. Replicas are good for the price, but you can't beat the warm tone of a real banana.

~arph stomp it   8)


Here is my Meatball (Finally!) This uses the on board switches layout that I created a few months back. The controls are in the wrong positions  :icon_redface: and the etching failed to penetrate far enough so I had to use it as a painting guide. However I am quite pleased how it came out!


Wow, very nice! congrats!


Man, I soooo want to make one of those!  Just can't seem to around to it though :icon_sad:

newbie builder

Love the banana. First thing I thought of was VU and Andy Warhol....


Built this delay last night.
If it ain't broke... will be soon.


lol at the banana reply!  That's awesome. 

Great work guys!


QuoteBuilt this delay last night.

very nice!
can you give more details?


Quote from: Shed_FX on July 06, 2007, 08:13:49 AM
Here is my Meatball (Finally!) This uses the on board switches layout that I created a few months back. The controls are in the wrong positions  :icon_redface: and the etching failed to penetrate far enough so I had to use it as a painting guide. However I am quite pleased how it came out!

I think it looks great.  If mine turns out like that, I'd be more than happy.  Is that a Sovtek 1790N type enclosure?