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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: jpm83 on February 19, 2008, 04:01:46 PM
Here is my transistor tester in a soap box.

And here is it's guts.


That was quick  ;D.It works then?


Quote from: oldschoolanalog on February 19, 2008, 02:43:44 PM
OK, time for something a bit different. What do you do when you have a working A/DA flanger board and an old gutted Morley volume pedal? Marry them! For your consideration, one "PFL workalike +". The sonic pallate of the A/DA, and all the fun of the Morley PFL. The "+" is for the more convenient placement of the controls. Easier "on the fly" adjustments without having to constantly bend down to make them. Anyhoo...

View of the reworked LED/LDR setup...
All in all, lots of fun! Time to go plug in...
All the best!

!!!!!!  :o !!!!!! I want one  :icon_cool:


Quote from: Dragonfly on February 17, 2008, 06:59:26 PM
Quote from: hellwood on February 17, 2008, 06:09:05 PM
WHAT IS THIS THING!!?? and what kind of guitar/amp/speakers were used!!??

Just something I came up with...its definitely FF based though.

Amp was probably my bassman...guitar was probably my 335
that thing sounds SICK!!! I too have a 60's bassman and a 335, so apparently im not the only one that knows that secret. anyway, im glad you didnt say something like, "line 6 and an ibanez"


Do most of you guys use the regular sized B boxes for your smaller builds?


Like that one? Or is it the larger one that I see on here all the time...


Not sure what to buy  ???


scored the random box at an antique shop which will be perfect for a little 386 amp.  obviosly very pignose-ish but its a little bigger, which should help on the low end.  i got a 6" speaker from a broken 10 watt solidstate special out of a dumpster.

now i gotta figure out which 386 amp i'll build.  im gonna use it for street performing.  ive build a smokey amp clone, and  a little gem mkII.


Quote from: GREEN FUZ on February 19, 2008, 05:20:38 PM
Quote from: jpm83 on February 19, 2008, 04:01:46 PM
Here is my transistor tester in a soap box.

And here is it's guts.


That was quick  ;D.It works then?

It works great. The red led flashes when D.U.T is good PNP and green when it's good NPN. I still have to find a bad tranny to check what it does in that case, but I'm 99.9% sure it works.


John Beef

Quote from: Renegadrian on February 19, 2008, 05:09:54 PM
Quote from: oldschoolanalog on February 19, 2008, 03:25:16 PM
Quote from: Renegadrian on February 19, 2008, 02:56:40 PM
Hey JOHN BEEF, nice one, but do you like it that way? so unfinished?
I think the answer to that Q is...
Quote from: John Beef on February 19, 2008, 02:04:50 PM
I really dig the unfinished utilitarian look of it, especially the chrome of the switch, screws and jacks contrasted with the dull gray of the case. 
"Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder..."
That's one of the best things in life, two persons can see things in the opposite way but still they're both right!!!
And you're right too man, sometimes less is better...
It's a matter of time, really. Our band has a slew of shows coming up and I needed it done for those.

Also, I wasn't thinking but I have built one other pedal, but it's an on/of stomp switch that controls my DD-20 (so I hardly consider that one-jack-and-a-stomp-switch to be of the same caliber as this booster pedal). It's also unfinished and unmarked, and people ask all the time what it is. When I tell them it's a homemade footswitch, a lot of guitarists get this look on their faces like "whoa!" So, leaving it unfinished makes it more of a conversation piece.


Some of my pedals that are done now, nothing fancy, the finish on them are not the greatest and the dist+ has already had an accident,i don't have the patience to paint well (sanding and tons of layers) but they sound great and it was fun to build :) I added a booster to the neovibe  :icon_smile: Almost all uses the original name cus my lack of imagination but it doesn't matter since they are only for me.


Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


That range master is sweet!
Built: GGG Green Ringer


Hey Marlin, those look really good...very neat and professional looking...i like the designs.  Where do u get the bezels for the leds? the ones that are kind of cone shaped?


Valvecaster, just completed


Quote from: rhdwave on February 20, 2008, 11:07:24 PM
Hey Marlin, those look really good...very neat and professional looking...i like the designs.  Where do u get the bezels for the leds? the ones that are kind of cone shaped?

Hi! Thanks! Got a lot of inspiration from other pics on this site, especially the fonts :)
The bezels are these:
I like them a lot, I also like his enclosures, a lot better imo than hammond or eddy.


Just finished my second pedal, hooray!

Pretty easy guess what it is...

I gotta work on my camera skills along with my wiring; the guts to this thing are horrible!


What happens when you have a TS enclosure with a switch and front cover battered beyond further usage?? You improvise!  :icon_wink:

I took my old EA tremolo, (older GGG version, not current modified) cut out some sheet metal, ground it into shape (not a perfect fit but it'll do) drilled and counter sunk some holes, and voila!!!

My old-brand new EA TREM SCREAMER!!!


Apologies for the really crappy cam phone pics... still haven't found a good digi cam to replace my old busted cam. I'm also planning to paint the cover black once the temperature goes back to above 0 over here.


The user formerly known as NoNothing.

Stuff I built!


Fuzzy-Train, that already looks killer.  That big switch just looks right.  Why doesn't Keeley do this with their true bypass conversions?

I think it looks a little like a face with the screws as the eyes and the switch as a nose. Some white washers on the screws and a little paint could really complete the effect!


Quote from: Fuzzy-Train on February 21, 2008, 05:36:54 PM
What happens when you have a TS enclosure with a switch and front cover battered beyond further usage?? You improvise!  :icon_wink:

I took my old EA tremolo, (older GGG version, not current modified) cut out some sheet metal, ground it into shape (not a perfect fit but it'll do) drilled and counter sunk some holes, and voila!!!

My old-brand new EA TREM SCREAMER!!!


Apologies for the really crappy cam phone pics... still haven't found a good digi cam to replace my old busted cam. I'm also planning to paint the cover black once the temperature goes back to above 0 over here.

Major cool points on that one. Good job.


Fuzzy Train is the LED for looks?
My DIY site:


Thanks for the compliments!

Yeah, LOL, the LED will be functional when I get a 3PDT for it, it fits so snug in there so I left it for safe keeping... good eye.

Funny you should mention it looks like a face earthtonesaudio.

I'm planning on doing something like this... gotta get the paint for it though.

I should also try and find some knobs that look like eyes.

The user formerly known as NoNothing.

Stuff I built!
