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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: Plexi on October 10, 2017, 10:19:25 AM
We could say that you have there some kind of "triple" Rectifier

LoL! Really!  8) 8) 8)
That's all, Folks!

"Are you on drugs?"
-ARSE, Duck.


Messi rectifier (x3)
To you, buffered bypass sucks tone.
To me, it sucks my balls.


And Panama booting the USA out. Not that The Americans give any kind of damn for the Soccer World Cup..


Kirk Hammet invented the Burst Box.


My latest:

Prototype 8 channel MIDI switcher based on Teensy 3.2. I utilized Eagle 8.3 and the brand new Fusion 360 integration. The 3d Modeling was integral to this being right the 1st time with no mistakes.

Special shout-out to mammoth Electronics for the always excellent workmanship in the drilling, powder coating and graphics  printing.

Works with Blackstar Amps and their pesky DB-9 connector. Responds to both program and cc change messages. Requires no MIDI controller to program (most need a MIDI controller to send a pc to then build a preset onto)


Quote from: trixdropd on October 10, 2017, 11:53:42 PM
mammoth printing

I didn't know they offered that service.


Quote from: trixdropd on October 10, 2017, 11:53:42 PM
My latest:

Prototype 8 channel MIDI switcher based on Teensy 3.2. I utilized Eagle 8.3 and the brand new Fusion 360 integration. The 3d Modeling was integral to this being right the 1st time with no mistakes.

Special shout-out to mammoth Electronics for the always excellent workmanship in the drilling, powder coating and graphics  printing.

Works with Blackstar Amps and their pesky DB-9 connector. Responds to both program and cc change messages. Requires no MIDI controller to program (most need a MIDI controller to send a pc to then build a preset onto)

Wow ! We need a tutorial for that!
I had some hard times to design a drilling template for a design of mine and this kind of approach could definitely help a lot...


Quote from: trixdropd on October 10, 2017, 11:53:42 PM
My latest:

Prototype 8 channel MIDI switcher based on Teensy 3.2. I utilized Eagle 8.3 and the brand new Fusion 360 integration. The 3d Modeling was integral to this being right the 1st time with no mistakes.

Special shout-out to mammoth Electronics for the always excellent workmanship in the drilling, powder coating and graphics  printing.

Works with Blackstar Amps and their pesky DB-9 connector. Responds to both program and cc change messages. Requires no MIDI controller to program (most need a MIDI controller to send a pc to then build a preset onto)

Amazing project. Well developed, well finished.
That's all, Folks!

"Are you on drugs?"
-ARSE, Duck.


We could say that you have there some kind of "triple" Rectifier

indeed :)



Two more for the week. 

Dual channel Crunchbox on vero from the tagboard layout.

Dual channel BSIAB...



my silicon fuzzface with soviet 2T602B / KT801B (2Т602Б / КТ801Б).
medium gain, pots are: Vol, Gain, Bias, Tone (input cap blend (10nF <---> 10uF (sic!)) - well, didn't have 100K so i put 250K, but it cuts bass pretty quick, need to try to put 100K resistor in parallel, hope it would work smoothly, but i don't really want to solder some "guts". again).
millenium bypass with mosfet (first transistor was shocked accidentally, second one works fine, NO POP).



One of two DeadAstronaut's Chasm Reverbs I am building.

If you are following the threads, the 2nd one had a bad reverb brick-- so it will be a little bit till it is completed.  Both of these are "custom" builds for friends....  So, different art/etches on each.

Thanks to you guys for helping me troubleshoot the problem.  I appreciated the PM's and support!

"Savage" reverb:

BTW-- "new" style knob I found.  I like it very much.  Smaller diameter than the regular Davis'.  Metal insert.  Nice and heavy feel.
I used to really be with it!  That is, until they changed what "it" is.  Now, I can't find it.  And, I'm scared!  --  Homer Simpson's dad


Today I finished another (the last one) pedal for my colleague. It's a Friedman BE-OD clone, also in red.

So, now I have four pedal in series  - Boogie, TightMetal, d'verb and BE-OD.




No, it's a transparent waterslide decal.



Second pedal build, same as the last one I did (TC Electronic Integrated Preamp clone) but I bought a bigger box this time so I could fit a bypass switch.  Being able to turn off a pedal sure is convenient.

I forgot to buy an LED though, so no light yet. I'll add one next time I do a parts order.

I do have red caps for the tops of the knobs, but i didn't think they looked right with the sanded enclosure, too clean, so I left them off. I may just get different knobs at some point.


Another one - Überwald. It's a jfet high gain preamp - Black Forest (based on Bogner Uberschall).



Quote from: mnemosyne on October 17, 2017, 03:34:12 AM
Second pedal build ,,,,,, so no light yet.

if this had a led, I'd say "excellent; build of my week". no led? build of my week.
" Hence the duck effect. "


You'll never guess what this is.