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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Thank you for the reactions!

I didn't etch this, I just used the laserprinter/inkjet photo paper/iron trick. Same as you use it for PCB's. The toner sticks to the aluminum very well (if you sand it properly). You can even clean it once it's on. Then I apply a few layers of clearcoat and presto.


An easter weekend of soldering and this is what I have to show for it:

(Just kidding, pictures of nifty soundboxes will be forthcoming once they are really done!)


Some of my most used builds:

1. superfuzz
2.tranny muff fuzz
3. rangemaster
4. blue clipper
5. foxy lady/axis
6. fuzzrite
7. bosstone
8. screaming bird
9. scrambler
10. companion
11. lbp-2 [.15uf version]
12. germ ff
13. 1977 od 250

Most of them are perf builds, built with old caps/transistors from a local surplus-electronics store.

Thanks to anyone/everyone who helped making these schematics available online over the last 5yr or so!

be well.

be well,


Quote from: ~arph on April 10, 2007, 04:35:52 AM
Hi all, here are some shots of my recent builds:

Tone God's Vanishing point connected to tim escobedo's Idiot Wah.

~arph - What does the Meistro do? I'm not familiar with either, the Vanishing point or Idiot Wah...
Looks great!

Dan N

Here's an ADA Flanger clone (Moosapotamus V2) in an old train transformer box:



Quote from: dachshund on April 10, 2007, 03:57:52 PM
~arph - What does the Meistro do? I'm not familiar with either, the Vanishing point or Idiot Wah...
Looks great!

The interface sure looks darn close to a ZVex OohWah. :D



Quote from: JimRayden on April 10, 2007, 09:37:37 PM
Quote from: dachshund on April 10, 2007, 03:57:52 PM
~arph - What does the Meistro do? I'm not familiar with either, the Vanishing point or Idiot Wah...
Looks great!

The interface sure looks darn close to a ZVex OohWah. :D


Yeah for sure.  However, I like this better!  It is nice and big and it looks great with knobs.  Really purty! Good job there!


4 in one ;)
my latest two effetcts with 2 old design;)


Quote from: dachshund on April 10, 2007, 03:57:52 PM
Hi all, here are some shots of my recent builds:

Tone God's Vanishing point connected to tim escobedo's Idiot Wah.

Is this a noise maker sequencer type thing... I am looking for something like this... if it is where did you get the layout schem?

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


Quote from: 8bitRockOut on April 10, 2007, 10:41:17 PM
Quote from: JimRayden on April 10, 2007, 09:37:37 PM
Quote from: dachshund on April 10, 2007, 03:57:52 PM
~arph - What does the Meistro do? I'm not familiar with either, the Vanishing point or Idiot Wah...
Looks great!

The interface sure looks darn close to a ZVex OohWah. :D

Yeah for sure.  However, I like this better!  It is nice and big and it looks great with knobs.  Really purty! Good job there!

Yes, it's a sequenced wah. But it does a little more than an oohwah, this one has a manual step mode, plus a (rather useless) resonance switch for the wah. I'm not really happy with the wah circuit so if anyone has a suggestion for a better sounding diy wah circuit please let me know (i've seen the WH-10 how's that?)


colorsound inductorless wah


Quote from: Barcode80 on April 11, 2007, 02:02:46 PM
colorsound inductorless wah

true that

the inductorless wah will fulfill all your needs for wah,

also it's very moddable.. mods as cap values for range, and emitter resistor for resonance (a pot there does wonders... be careful because too much reso becomes oscillation)


Quote from: nordine on April 11, 2007, 04:35:00 PM
Quote from: Barcode80 on April 11, 2007, 02:02:46 PM
colorsound inductorless wah

true that

the inductorless wah will fulfill all your needs for wah,

also it's very moddable.. mods as cap values for range, and emitter resistor for resonance (a pot there does wonders... be careful because too much reso becomes oscillation)

... I've got to build this colorsound wah!! so many good stuff about it.
Also, try Mike Matthew Soul Kiss, with 1M pot as a variable res instead of a LDR.
That's my current inductorless wah.



I always had problems with soldering things on a PCB without it being all wobbly. I tried many techniques but none of them worked right, they were always wobbly or just awkward to use.

I made this using a dremel, old CD cases, some screws, 11/16" thick pieces of wood, some super glue, double sided sticky foam stuff, and some alligator clips and it works great. I was actually surprised at how stable it was. That's the tonepad CE-2 chorus on there BTW.  ;D

>:(  *Homer Simpson says* "Patent pending,  patent pending, patent pending."  >:(  :icon_razz: J/K

Took about a week to populate the board... well doing a little bit everyday for 5-6 days


The user formerly known as NoNothing.

Stuff I built!


Quote from: remmelt on April 10, 2007, 08:49:26 AM

the newspaper wrapper on npn boost is from taiwan
for it looks like traditional chinese font
the idea is certainly cool!


Quote from: dachshund on April 10, 2007, 03:57:52 PM
Quote from: ~arph on April 10, 2007, 04:35:52 AM
Hi all, here are some shots of my recent builds:

Tone God's Vanishing point connected to tim escobedo's Idiot Wah.

~arph - What does the Meistro do? I'm not familiar with either, the Vanishing point or Idiot Wah...
Looks great!

There is at least two excellent threads on the Vanishing Point, maybe more. Keyword search "Vanishing Point".
The project is an original presented in the domain of our Tone God, Andrew along with the PayBack and other excellent projects.
Find the profile of the one know as The Tone God and your quest will only just begin....

Ah heck, it's over there ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

As for the builder with the un-pernounce-able name...

Excellent build, congrats!
Excellent technique for the art, toner transfered via photo paper and an iron. Brilliant!
Excellent web site. Simple, well written, concise. with some nice looking builds.
Your IdiotVanishingWahPoint deserves to have some sound clips posted on that site.
I would love to see a build report too. hint hint...

Great job!
It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith

black mariah

Some pics of a Fuzz Face I just got through building. This was the first time I used germanium transistors. Definitely better than silicon, at least to my ears. The enclosure is from PPP. While drilling the holes I rather stupidly sat the box face down on the table and ended up scratching the crap out of it. I sanded it down and polished it up slightly. The pictures don't do it justice.

My major screwup for this build: I found out the hard way which direction 3PDT's are supposed to be wired. :icon_redface: :icon_lol:


looks awsome
im no sure why, but i love that silver top over the coloured box look

i finished my buzz box yesterday, i have a sound sample
i used BC549C transistors for it, with 1n4148s
i love it
whats cool is, that even without the germ diode, or the 2n3904's there is still a nice octave up in it
its not as explosive though,
i have omitted the volume (and possibly a gain) pot for now
when i rehouse it, ill add them again
at the moment, its at its temporary enclosure stage
im gonna buy an aluminium enclosure and some ferric chloride soon

Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Quote from: Barcode80 on April 11, 2007, 02:02:46 PM
colorsound inductorless wah

I'll build one and tweak it around, it's actually very very similar to the idiot wah, maybe I should tweak that some more too just yesterday I got it to work a lot better when I realised I had forgotten a current limiter res for the stage LED's, which caused it to skip faster over maxed out stages.. Will put some sound samples on my site soon. And maybe even a gutshot when I cleared it up a bit. (it's a tad messy right now.)

Thanks for all the kind reactions..


black mariah, that looks great!