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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: cloudscapes on April 29, 2007, 11:56:12 AM

I don't like those black knobs much. not sure why. maybe because they're EVERYWHERE, hehe
vex uses them, and its fine. maybe I just wanted my pedals to look different from his since we often use the same size enclosure

I don't think ya need to worry about that!  :icon_razz:

Cliff Schecht

Quote from: markm on April 29, 2007, 09:02:47 AM
Quote from: ambulancevoice on April 29, 2007, 12:42:32 AM
yep, jews driver
and metal master!

.....uh-ohhh........ :icon_rolleyes:

My roommate went crazy with the label maker one day, when they didn't all fall off I just left em on :icon_lol:. I never even notice them anymore...

The wah is also known as the jewah (jew wah). I'm not anti-semetic, my family is Jewish but I've never practiced religion so that's where all of the cheesy innuendo comes from. The phaser is the butt probe because of some of the strange alien like sounds that can be had with just the phaser>>wah (acting as a filter) and some delay.


i just realized that since i've changed the website, my pics disappeared.  here they are:

Casey Campbell


^ VERY sweet enclosures! ^
love the..... uh... labels ;)
{DIY blog}


Pop Rivets are truly amazing.  :)


Personally I think the riveted on labels fall in the "weird novelty" category.  Interesting idea though.  Aesthetically, I'd personally prefer a nice silkscreen.  Looks like a load of work too.
Best of luck with the sales.


Quote from: rockgardenlove on April 29, 2007, 11:16:04 PM
Personally I think the riveted on labels fall in the "weird novelty" category.  Interesting idea though.  Aesthetically, I'd personally prefer a nice silkscreen.  Looks like a load of work too.
Best of luck with the sales.

thanks, yeah so far we've done pretty good, but it is ALOT of work.  most of the time is spent on the letter at a time, then drilling, sanding, cutting, grinding, lining up the holes, marking and re-drilling.  it's nuts, but the letters will never wear off....

thanks for the compliments guys....  it's a labor of love, and most of the folks that spend their hard earned cash on it, appreciate it I think...
Casey Campbell


My first real post and first real project. I know it's not much, but I've never done anything like this before. I needed to get a quick win under my belt. Simple "active" A/B Switch in a very small box (BUD CU123 enclosure). Tricky to get all this in, but it works...I'm 1 for 1!! I used Tonepad's design
If anyone knows of a similar drawing of an "active" A/B with a tuner out, I would really like to make one of these next (bigger box of course). Thanks for viewing.


Quote from: easonrk on April 30, 2007, 12:25:44 AM
My first real post and first real project. I know it's not much, but I've never done anything like this before. I needed to get a quick win under my belt. Simple "active" A/B Switch in a very small box (BUD CU123 enclosure). Tricky to get all this in, but it works...I'm 1 for 1!! I used Tonepad's design
If anyone knows of a similar drawing of an "active" A/B with a tuner out, I would really like to make one of these next (bigger box of course). Thanks for viewing.

dude, that's the way to go for a/b boxes... the smaller the better....  that's a great job for your first project....
Casey Campbell


Yeah, looks nice!
Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


The Ginger Muff
Built from an Axis Face Silicon circuit at Fuzz Central. I have put two Germanium trannies in instead of the silicon ones 90hfe and 140hfe.

I have slightly modded a couple of caps and resistors to lower the volume level and highs.

It sounds lovely now  :icon_wink:
Quote from: jlullo on May 02, 2007, 12:37:12 AM
i have to get my hands on some of your germs.  very soon.
Anywhere but here, that would seem odd...

sonic tooth

this is my brahmaputra (based on hysteresis circuit)
note the hand that replace knobs...


Sweet knobs! haha

How did you do the graphics? Decals?

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


Sonic tooth, my friend - this is genius!!!
Electron Pusher


reminds me of the big muff i'm building for a metal-playing friend of mine. it will be built into a doll, with the cords plugging into different orifaces...


Man thats just incredible!

Simply Great!

You know what Brahmaputra means?  :)


Simply fantastic. Give and take: genius.


if you just look at the give - take and the knob hands, it looks pretty surreal
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


my new Si Fuzz face. i've decided the BMP is the only fuzz i truly like, and i'm going to stick to OD from now on, but this thing does sound good...


that looks nice barcode!  what kind of paint did you use?