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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: DWBH on September 04, 2007, 05:06:07 PM

Sim, nós os tugas achamos sempre palavras para dizer merda.

I'm studying to become a translator, and I almost understood that with my limited knowledge of Spanish
Quote from: frequencycentral
You squeezed it into a 1590A - you insane fool!  :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: Scruffie
Well this... this is just silly... this can't fit in a 1590B... can it? And you're not even using SMD you mad man!



Sim, nós os tugas achamos sempre palavras para dizer merda.

yes we always find words to say S*** (Crap)


Quote from: Valoosj on September 04, 2007, 05:14:08 PM
Quote from: DWBH on September 04, 2007, 05:06:07 PM

Sim, nós os tugas achamos sempre palavras para dizer merda.

I'm studying to become a translator, and I almost understood that with my limited knowledge of Spanish

There's a little problem, that's not spanish. :icon_redface:



finally after a year or more i got my guitar case finished! heres the pictures


Wow, that case is sweet!   :o
Is that real dalmatian?  ;)
If it ain't broke... will be soon.


thanks lol ok before i get any animal rights people on my back its fake fur  ;D


Oh yeah, didn't you post in-progress pictures of that a while ago? Nice!... Cruella Deville...



"Porra" is a slang word that literally means Semen. We (young people, or not so educated old people  :icon_razz:) usually use this word like this: "Porra, essa merda não funciona" (Damn, this sh!t doesn't work) or "Que porra é essa?" (What is that sh!t?). Of course you can say porra literally, I won't use a example of that, use your imagination!   ::)

And yep, Portuguese, even Spanish, are weird languages, one word have a lot of meanings... And as every big country the words changes its meaning every 50Km.  :icon_razz:

I like english, it's not so complicated... I think I have made at least 10 errors in this post, but you can understand, don't you? Here in Brasil, to speak english is required for almost every job. Some jobs requires even German, French, Italian, or Spanish... but spanish is easier to understand and speak because it's very similar to portuguese.


Wow nice case! VEEERY nice! I'm planning to make one for my bass. Give us more details, what kind of wood did u use?


Filter Sample and Hold 1A on GGG layout.

I ordered the parts and etched this board a year ago. Since then has updated his PCB to deal with ticking that made me go with the GGG version even though this board is HUGE and needs one of those N boxes Small Bear sells.

Most folks will want to build the TP version now that some favorable comments have been posted about the revised layout.

This one I built sounds great!. I love the sample and hold side.
The auto-filter is OK but not as nice as the DOD EF440.

I'm going to mount the noise transistors trimmer as a pot on the box because it's so much fun.
Yes, it can be made to tick if the trimmer is turned up but I like the rhythmic ticking.
I can also re-adjust the trimmer to tune it in without ticking for the standard sound.

For the noise transistor I tried...
2N2222 - didn't have enough oomph to kick it into sample and hold. Just sat there doing nothing.
2N3904 - Some I tried worked great, others did nothing. This is what I currently using in Q4.
MPSA13 - Totally crazy rhythmic ticking and sound but could not dial out the ticking. Turned it into a noise box but a cool one.
I'm going to play around with this transistor some more.

Pre-assembly photo showing the charge pump mounted inside with a perf board to distribute power and ground.

Insides, all put together. Even with the big "N" box I had to use my nylon machine bolt trick to angle the board, like a ramp, to fit the board over the jacks and charge pump while keeping the other end low so the PSU caps would fit. I can adjust the trimmers easily.

Finished. Look how much bigger it is compared to a 1590BB. At least I found some giant knobs that scale to the box size.

Check out the footswitches. It my new way of keeping the two straight.
The one with the plastic washer is bypass, the other without is the function selector.

It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


Quote from: carrejans on September 03, 2007, 05:55:46 PM
Quote from: Valoosj on September 03, 2007, 06:06:15 AM
Quote from: carrejans on September 03, 2007, 04:18:11 AM

Is there a blue led under the tube?

Bedankt, van waar ben je ergens?

There is a blue led between the pins of the tube. I had to drill in the plastic foot that holds the tube

Dat blauwe ledje maakt het af.
Btw, ik woon momenteel in Leuven.

yay dutch!

ill try my best

KOTS!! hahahahh
uitsluitend schertsenderwijs

shit i think i wrote jokingly

eh, now for a quote from josh homme!!
"ik pak je klootzak, ik pak je , vieze lul" - Josh Homme
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Genoeg gemier,..
Here's a project I'm currently working on.
Proudly showing of my PCB and a picture of the assembly stage. I'm using R.G's suggestion on vertically mounting resistors, with a little 'spring' at the bottom to relieve stress on the solder joints due to temperature changes on the board.

The PCB:





The reason I could understand portuguese (and I quote a teacher of mine  8)) : ' Portuguese is just Spanish with a very bad accent'
Cool quote from Homme!

Nice trem in the making, post the enclosure as well!
Quote from: frequencycentral
You squeezed it into a 1590A - you insane fool!  :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: Scruffie
Well this... this is just silly... this can't fit in a 1590B... can it? And you're not even using SMD you mad man!


Quote from: Valoosj on September 05, 2007, 06:28:00 AM
The reason I could understand portuguese (and I quote a teacher of mine  8)) : ' Portuguese is just Spanish with a very bad accent'
Cool quote from Homme!

Nice trem in the making, post the enclosure as well!
where i got the quote from! :D:D:D:D:D
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Ok now we're throwing youtubes on here totally OT:
Never thought this band would do this song:


The Rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain............


thanks harry yeah Ive been building it for ages id just do a bit and then forget about it for months

Quote from: Shakal on September 04, 2007, 10:03:25 PM
Wow nice case! VEEERY nice! I'm planning to make one for my bass. Give us more details, what kind of wood did u use?

thanks alot, i dont think i would build another one, its almost cheaper to just buy a new case. if i did do it again i would make a rectangular case. I used a thick but light weight ply for the top and the bottom and a flexi ply for the sides. theres a bit more here its rather out of date though.

heres a photo of the case before i added the fur.


A few things I've built:

ReBote delay using a BYOC 'old style' pcb & everything else sourced myself.
Etched the enclosure in about 4 tablespoons of FC for only a few minutes.
Both the face and back were acid etched, this was my first try doing this.

The graphics on my 250+ clone (BYOC kit) are a laser toner transfer using old band flyers, ironed right onto the sanded enclosure with clearcoat over it.
Everything done in Photoshop. The little bubbles in the pic aren't finish flaws, it was raining when I went outside to get good light so those are little rain droplets.
The Pig's Eye is the status LED - medium intensity yellow 5mm LED from Radio Shack.
I call it the Tone Pig:

Closeup of the LEDs in the '250 / Tone Pig' diode slots.
I may redo these with sockets in all 3 slots and mess with asym clipping.
I also socketed the OpAmp for easy tweaking.

Next are my Marshall Bluesbreaker clone and Tycobrahe Octavia clone.
I burned my own GGG boards for these in addition to DIY-ing everything else.
The Bluesbreaker I call the "Ballbreaker Blues" and the Octavia is the "Gotham Oktavia".

I just finished a EH LPB2 clone in a Rat Shack plastic enclosure.
I intend to use this as a straight line driver so no battery or switch is needed.
The business card (for my band of course) is to show scale ... this thing is tiny.

AND last but not least, a couple Uber-Geek projects for band lighting ::
The little black plug with the LEDs sticking out of it is a DMX status terminator.
It not only terminates DMX lighting lines, but shows which direction the DMX signal is going at any given time.
Red means transmission, green means receiving. While running a band show, it's flashing constantly.

The other thing is a full duplex serial/DMX translator that allows me to run a completely automated or real-time 256 channel DMX light show from an old laptop.
By old, I mean I'm running the entire band show with an old laptop with a 120 mHz CPU & a 2.1GB HDD in it & only 32 MB RAM.
Cost to build was about $15 including the 5v power supply. I could leech that off a USB port, but this computer is so old it doesn't even have one.  ;D
Besides, the external supply is safer anyway. Why save money on the rig if you blow it up?
Of course, it also has little LEDs to show directional signal status. The processor and translator circuitry is built into the serial connector (talk about a tight fit) and the external box is made out of a blown up power supply to house the 5v power jack as well as the DMX & serial cables. The boards for this are done on perfboard - not my favorite medium. If or when I build another of these, I'll be looking at using something else for the boards, probably etching a couple small PCBs for it.

There are more toys around here I've built, I just haven't taken pictures of everything.

- JJ

My Momma always said, "Stultus est sicut stultus facit".
She was funny like that.


Another Boogey in the house (almost finished)


"I don't know if my mom had sex with Ted Nugent, but I feel like his son......" - Zakk Wylde



Quote from: Victor on September 06, 2007, 06:16:02 PM
Another Boogey in the house (almost finished)

nice...........very very nice...... :icon_biggrin:

were did you get those lovely knob....

Long live the music.....