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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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All om board.
Oops, I did it again. Shrunken box but enlarged sound.

Crappy sound sample too.

Two cords clean
Cords=1st channel+ some spring reverb  on switch
"solo"=2end channel + slight delay

The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


Wow Solderman! Very cool! Anyway we could get a shot of the bottom of the board? Kind of curious how the 3PDT is mounted and how the layout is organized.


Do you have a technical question? Please don't send private messages, use the FORUM!


Hi there!!!Seems we use the same box!!! But I painted it...I posted this one at page 378 of this topic...
here it is again...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


My DIY site:


Quote from: kurtlives on November 19, 2008, 08:27:58 PM

Kurt, that YATS looks awesome  :o 

What's the text on the side "Packed with mojo and small ?? doing magical things"  Excellent
What mods did you do using the three switches? Input-cap, Clipping (asym/sym) with different diodes? Vintage/Modern?

(i'm just building myself another TS and went a little crazy using a 12-position rotary switch with the input cap  ;D)


Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:


Quote from: Renegadrian on November 19, 2008, 07:38:21 PM
Hi there!!!Seems we use the same box!!! But I painted it...I posted this one at page 378 of this topic...

yeah, when I saw it at the store, I have felt in love with it immediately, I have bought 5 cans :D Shame they don't use 1mm plate for it, I'd buy even more :icon_mrgreen:
Do you have a technical question? Please don't send private messages, use the FORUM!


Quote from: Renegadrian on November 19, 2008, 07:38:21 PM
Hi there!!!Seems we use the same box!!! But I painted it...I posted this one at page 378 of this topic...
here it is again...

Cool, looks like casted metal.
Completed Builds: Gus Booster, Plexizer, BSIABII, Si/Ge Fuzz Face w/ RM Mod, Orange Squeezer
To Do List: Valvecaster, Small Clone, Jawari

For Sale:Marshall Footswitch


Quote from: fluoreszenz on November 20, 2008, 03:44:12 AM

Kurt, that YATS looks awesome  :o 

What's the text on the side "Packed with mojo and small ?? doing magical things"  Excellent
What mods did you do using the three switches? Input-cap, Clipping (asym/sym) with different diodes? Vintage/Modern?

(i'm just building myself another TS and went a little crazy using a 12-position rotary switch with the input cap  ;D)

"Packed with mojo and small faries doing magical things"  :icon_biggrin:

Someone else also aked for a breif desription here is what I told them...


Most tone shaping and modding goes on around the first op-amp.

Fancy op-amp (Burr Brown) I used OPA2134PA any OPA should work nicely.
The two tantalum .22mF tone caps were changed to 0.15mF film for a more "guitar friendly" tone knob.
Tone knob was changed to 2K(B) for a smoother range (stock there is a huge change in the last wee bit of the rotation).

Gain knob is 1M(A). With this you can dial in even less gain then normally with the normal stock control.
Also the resistor (51K) in the first op-amps feedback loop is reduced to 33K. This gives you even ore minimum overdrive. (You'll see where I am going with this minimum stuff later).
If you want to increase gain you can lower the 4k7 resistor in the loop, I didn't do this though as I am not a gain freak.

Also in the first feedback loop there is the 0.047mF cap. It basically sets the overall frequency response of the pedal. I have a DPDT to switch from 0.01mF (classic) and 0.47mF (fat). I don't like 0.047mF as it can be a bit thin so I went with 0.1mF. With the 0.47mF this pedal gets crazy fat and compressed, I like!

All 1mF electro caps became NP for improved smoothness.

The vintage modern switch is also semi-unique idea. It plays with the bias network. Instead of your typically 50/50 voltage diver with a Vref of 4.5V the switch selects between a Vref of 4.5V and 4.0V. This basically bias' the op-amp differently. Basically the vintage setting you get less highs and things are a bit darker and breakup is a bit sooner.

The clipping switch selects between FETs, asymmetrical 1N914s and no diodes (on-off-on SPDT). The neat thing is each clipping option has its own feedback cap (stock is 51pF) to fine tune the highs. The FET option doesn't cut many highs (20pf) so you get a nice crunchy tone which is part of the FET sound and part of that cap's value. Asymmetrical option is kind of the classic Tube Screamer sound but with more harmonics as it is asymmetrical. It uses more of a typical value for the feedback cap (47pF). The no diodes option has no cap so you then get basically a clean boost with all the nice rich highs. This pedal can also TOTALLY act as a clean boost with no diodes cause of all that minimum gain mod stuff I talked about prior.

I mounted the clipping shit on a piece of vero as it would be hard to PTP all that stuff right to the switch.
My DIY site:


Did you mean 20k(B) for the tone pot?

And also, wouldn't changing the gain pot from 500k to 1m increase the amount of possible gain rather than decrease it?


Quote from: hday on November 19, 2008, 07:14:49 PM
Wow Solderman! Very cool! Anyway we could get a shot of the bottom of the board? Kind of curious how the 3PDT is mounted and how the layout is organized.

On demand
I have two mor in this size in the owen. One PT2399 Delay and a modded ROG Thor

The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


Quote from: Zben3129 on November 20, 2008, 03:39:43 PM
Did you mean 20k(B) for the tone pot?

And also, wouldn't changing the gain pot from 500k to 1m increase the amount of possible gain rather than decrease it?
No 2K (B), try works wonders.

A pot cant increase gain, it's passive. The higher resistance value just gives more minimum gain if that makes sense.
My DIY site:


Quote from: kurtlives on November 20, 2008, 04:19:46 PM

No 2K (B), try works wonders.

Will do next time its breadboarded. Changing to 2k won't just smooth the range, however, it will change it as well I figure. Not necessarily a bad thing, just a different thing.

Quote from: kurtlives on November 20, 2008, 04:19:46 PM

A pot cant increase gain, it's passive. The higher resistance value just gives more minimum gain if that makes sense.

Why doesn't adding more resistance (500k-1m) in the feedback loop increase the gain? They should both still have the same minimum gain (when pot is at 0 ohms), however the 1m will have double the "available resistance" as the 500k, which should increase gain. Maybe we are using gain in a different sense. I am talking more distorted/overdriven/broken up, not neccesarily more volume.

Might have to breadboard this right now actually  ;D


John Lyons

1M=more gain/overdrive etc.
500K +less gain "           "
the 51k sets the gain when the gain knob is turned all the way off.
The 51K is the resistoance between pin 1 and 2 (feedback loop)
Making the resistance higher = more gain
Making the 51K higher raises the gain at the minimum knob position
and visa versa.
Also, with an Audio taper pot for the gain control you get a better range of
overdrive in the lower gain settings.

The 2k or 5K pot for the tone control is the way to go.
Most of the "good" tone settings are at the last 20% of the pots rotation
I have found. But with a 20K pot you have a small and fast changing (touchy)
tone knob feel. The original had a "W" taper pot so this is why it works in
the "real" ones. With a 2-5k pot the sweet spot is much wider while rotating the
tone knob. Not super dull for most of the pot travel like with a 20K linear pot.


Basic Audio Pedals


Mini amp with built in fuzz and speaker out


Does it double as a lunar landing module  ;D

Looks sick!



Quote from: Dragonfly on November 20, 2008, 09:43:08 PM
Mini amp with built in fuzz and speaker out

That's awesome. I'm glad you didn't swirl it! Is that some random hardware from like a fridge or something?

free electron

I decided to significally reduce the number of wires in my next projects:


Awesome Free!!  Beautiful, clean build!!