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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: kato on August 29, 2013, 03:20:25 PM
Out of my league for now, but maybe one day.   

Just search for local trophy shops. I get mine done at a chain trophy shop called Crown Trophy.

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.


Today I finished the Zombii Fuzz Factory clone for my guitar player. The wiring is absolute crap as I was in a hurry to get to rehearsal and running out of time. The effect sounds just like the videos you see on you tube, again I didn't have time to record audio. I'm not sure how this pedal is handy but it must be. The artwork was a google result and turned out famusly.

The Giraffes tongue is an engineers thumb from my box of fail that I sent away on the fail pail group that we started on BYOC. When the "pail" came to me, it was still bugging me that I couldn't get it working, so I did just that. Turns out it was just a bad wiring job. And speaking of bad wiring jobs, this one too is horrid as I was done with it before I ever started, I just couldn't let go of the fact that I didn't get ot working, and so I did. The picture is just some goofy picture I found. And now I have yet another compressor.

Trippy Demon

Hello fellow pedal creators,

I've just finished this Muff Clone with clean blend, as I'm a bass player.

It started with a translucent blue ABS box that I tried to strengthen with a sheet of aluminium folded into a box. This turns out to make the box strong enough for my use.

After a failed first etching of the aluminium the second attempt succeeded with a picture and some lettering which I filled in with black and red nail polish.
The eyes of the catwoman are drilled to have the led shine through.
I've also incorporated a soft switching board from AMZ FX.

And I thought the result might be fun to show here...


wow, great etch recovery... 8)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//

Trippy Demon

Sanded the top down and started all over... but I like me a bit of miniature painting


It does look a bit like she has a beard now.  :-X


thanks, ~arph, now I'm thinking to myself "mmmmmm, clean shaved catwoman", whereas before, I was thinking "mmmmm, catwoman".

but only if she's julie newmar.
granny at the G next satdy.


always think outside the box


@Trippy Demon; That looks quite cool with the aluminium underneath the translucent ABS. what kind of foot-switch is that?

@Lucifers Trip; As I said in the contest-tread, pretty awesome out-of-the box thinking. Also that paint looks pretty cool in a very odd way.

hmmm, Trippy Demon..., Lucifers Trip,.... are you two related?

Here is the pedal that I didn't enter in the contest;

It's not hard to guess what circuit this is, hint; it boosts treble...
I wired the level knob backwards, still need to fix that. I used the leftover solder-lugs on the rotary-switch as a tagboard.



Are the tubes in that, hot?;)
Mockingbird wish me luck.


Broken toe, courtesy of a checked kick in Muay Thai.
Consistency is a worthy adversary


Quote from: rousejeremy on August 31, 2013, 10:15:03 PM
Broken toe, courtesy of a checked kick in Muay Thai.

That'd make a wicked pedal if you could paste that pic on it...


QuoteInsert Quote
Quote from: rousejeremy on Yesterday at 11:15:03 PM
Broken toe, courtesy of a checked kick in Muay Thai.
That's what I call tap tempo!! :icon_smile:


How did you get a picture of your bones?   Is it magic?   I'm in America and have never seen such a thing....

BOOM    HEALTHCARE SLAM :icon_mrgreen:

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.

Trippy Demon

Quote from: Liquitone on August 31, 2013, 11:24:54 AM
@Trippy Demon; That looks quite cool with the aluminium underneath the translucent ABS. what kind of foot-switch is that?

I ordered some plastic pushbuttons from different sites for testing in this box, see which one will hold up best. As the box is for myself I know not to stomp it too hard, with the soft relay switching no real pressure is needed anyway...

I have some metal pushbuttons as well, the standard stompbox button shape, 'on' at push, but it still gives a loud mechanical klick.

Two metal pushbuttons on the right are easily available but the flat one needs something on top to get it to push with your feet (another model they showed had a raised push surface, but that wasn't available anymore). The round top one just barely gives an 'on' signal when stomped by foot. They are also quite expensive at about 8 euro's. That's why I wanted to test the plastic ones first.

The best one is the green chinese button ordered on ebay (they are available in different colors) I just ordered the one to see if the Dutch customs would tax me for it, but they didn't, so ordering one is safe and keeps the cost under 5 euro's, I does take about a month to arrive though.
Maybe later I will see if ordering two or three still keeps it under the customs taxed value.


Ah I see, yeah that metal one that looks like a regular foot-switch does make a loud click, although I do like the feel of it when switching. I used the exact same one for the 'Brake' on my Deluxe Stereo Vibe.
I'm in the same boat, ditching 3DPDT's for relay switching but sites rarely mention if it's a hard or soft click. I ordered these momentary switches that are even harder to click than and regular 2pdt/3dpdt switches, which kinda defeats the point why I ordered them.


Haven't tried this as yet but this geofex switch scheme has been fermenting away in my head for a long time, someday.

Anybody given it a whirl?
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


trippy, I have used the top of a dead clunk-clunk type footswitch with a light-duty momentary hidden inside, w/ boss style switching. it worked ok. now I've looked at rg's pancakes, and bearing in mind the case-work I seem to have adopted, I might be giving it a space-saving whirl soon.
granny at the G next satdy.


Previously posted in the 10th Anniversary context thread - Orange Smoothie Compressor.  Somewhere between an Orange Squeezer and Mark Hammer's Tangerine Peeler: