More Level from a tubscreamer clone

Started by ramblin, September 12, 2005, 11:18:17 PM

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Is there a way of getting more level from a tubescreamer.
I have tried the "mullet mod" but it sucks tone.
I have used different diodes but still not enough level for my use.


The output of a TS is limitd by the clipping level of the diodes.  The output stage is a current-gain voltage follower (ie voltage gain =1).  1N4148s/914s give 0.7V.  For 2V output, try LEDs, or for 4V try 2LEDs in each direction.  That's a BIG output level.  If you want more, maybe you should explain what you want.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)



increase the 1k-R in the feedback-loop of the tone-pot to 2,2k - 3,3k.



Read RG's "Technology of the Tube Screamer" at GEOFEX. Link is at the top of the page.


Khas Evets

Increasing the 1K resistor as kusi mentions will increase output, but it will also affect the slope of the eq since the tone pot is part of the feedback loop.


Have you compared your clone to the real thing? I wonder if there's some sort of problem in the output section?