O.C.D. Name Origin!?

Started by RDV, September 17, 2005, 04:22:57 PM

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I have no idea what I meant by this, but check out the part I have highlighted in this post. Weiieeirrrrdddd!


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Quote from: RDVI have no idea what I meant by this, but check out the part I have highlighted in this post. Weiieeirrrrdddd!

Obsessive Compulsive Disease, I assume......but how could THAT have any connection with stompboxing? :oops:  :wink:
gotta go now, 237 more tropical fish caps to try in my eighty seventh tubescreamer clone.

Dai H.

D as in disorder, I think. Another one that people into electronics parts and such might be afflicted with is compulsive hoarding...  :wink:


That Fuller...no shame :lol: