How to use RG's Germanium Tester with NPN?

Started by TryingToDo613, September 25, 2005, 11:51:52 AM

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Hi guys. Yes, I'm a moron. I can't even keep in my little brain how the leads and current directions of PNP/NPN. Can't figure out how to use my tester on NPN. Do I have to hook up the battery backwards? -ph


You're reading R.G.'s complete article, right?  From the last paragraph:

While most germanium transistors are PNP, there are some NPNs, and they do make good Fuzz Face clones. To test them, just reverse the battery polarity and the meter leads in the tester diagram.

I don't know how clearer it could be.  Flip the battery leads around, flip your meter leads around.  That's all there is to it!


Heh heh. I had remembered reading something like that but I didn't know where. There used to be a two meter thing on small bear and I thought it was there. Thanks. -ph