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Started by HrD, September 27, 2005, 09:17:33 PM

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Hi, i built this efx  but i got some problems....
the sound is clean...i can only listen a sort of equalization...when knobs r turning.

i don't know what else i can do...
than i'm asking...
'cos in the pics pots are viewed with shaft in front of us...maybe the rotary switch are shown in the same manner??? ...r those viewed with shaft in front of us?!?!??!!

if anyone have some schematics,layout... more clear than this one (taken from pisotone) please reply me!


Do you mean, when you turn the knobs, you get the filter effect but no "wahwah" by itself?
If then, could it be the envelope not working? Just a thought, I don't much about this effect.

Check out some free drum loops and other sounds at my site:


Yes, it sounds like you have no envelope voltage going to the VTL's. Try measuring the voltage at the VTL's LED-side while you are playing. It should jump up and down.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.


Does the external LED flicker when you hit the strings?
Also be sure that attack is set to minimum and decay to about 50%. Colour should be around 90%.

Good luck,



this is what i've done...

please tell me what's wrong!

...i can't listen the wha-wha envelope..only clean guitar ...some modulation only when i turn some knobs.


Does the external LED flicker when you hit the strings??



no, the LED doesn't flicker.
i can only turn it off/on with the band rotary switch and increase and decrease the light turning the intense pot.


What are your settings for attack, decay,  sensitivity?

Be sure that attack is minimum, decay 50% or higher , sensitivity max. Be also sure that colour is at max (you can reduce it later once you get your sweeP).  Does the LED still not flicker?
If not you might use an audio probe, which is basically a guitar cable connected to your amp and on the other side a cap (any electrolytic e.g. 10 µF) connected with neg to the tip of the plug (gnd is connected to gnd of the circuit). Since I did'nt manage to build a real audio probe I just connect the cap to the guitar cable with one of those crocodile wires.  I use a second crocodile cable connected to the pos side of the cap to follow the signal. While hitting the strings start with the input buffer and follow the traces to the rectifier. Somewhere the signal should disappear. (If you have some kind of signal generator e.g. some software signal generator you can connct the output of your sound card to the input of the circuit. Makes probing easier)

Good luck,



next i'll try what u suggest... but @ the moment i think that is very important that someone who have build this great efx tell me if my wiring (pots & rotary) are good.
i believe that problems are in wiring.


You know this page ??

There's some more information and also the schematics. Pin 1 of each pot is incicated in the schem so you can check the pots orientations. Also the pins on the rotary swiches are labelled. You could compare them with the labelling on your switches.



yes i follow that pcb and that schematics 4 my clone...but i'm not so sure of the correct interpretation that i made. than i'm looking 4 someone that looking @ the schematics can reply me saing where i get wrong.

i wonna thank u for those reply... u r the only one! ...i know that here in the forum r many people that make this efx work ..WHERE R THEY?  >:(
see ya!


Maybe some that built the McMeat would like some more information on what exactly you did. You might follow this Also voltages posted would be helpful to find the bug. My own experience is that you have to avoid certain "wrong"  pot settings because they might make you think that the McMeat does'nt work (e.g. it's easier to get a noticeable sweep in up-mode). This actually is what happended to me when I 1st fired up my clone.



Quote from: HrD on September 28, 2005, 12:16:56 PM
no, the LED doesn't flicker.
i can only turn it off/on with the band rotary switch and increase and decrease the light turning the intense pot.
Is this with no input signal? if so, I'd say there's something wrong with the peak detector and it's outputting full voltage all the time. That's the only way I can think of where you would turn on the LED with the band switch and adjust it's brightness with the intense pot. If you have a wiring error, chances are it's in the area of the SEND/RECEIVE or Sensitivity pot.

I started out with nothing... I still have most of it.


yes...this happend both with input signal & withouth.
this is the scheme:
anyone can tell me if rotary switch are shown from back

* The pots have a mark (1) in the schem. This is left
pin of the pot, if the shaft faces toward you.

idiot savant

what kind of jacks are you using for the send and return portion? with nothing plugged into the send or return jacks the tips need to be shorted together. so if you arent using a send or return jack with a normally closed shunt to short the tips you could try putting a patch cable from send to return.

i agree with johngreene it might be a miswire in the send/return or sensitvity area of the envelope follower.


Quote from: HrD on September 28, 2005, 12:16:56 PM
no, the LED doesn't flicker.
i can only turn it off/on with the band rotary switch and increase and decrease the light turning the intense pot.

It's OK if you can vary the brightness of the LED by turning the intensity pot. However, brightness should'nt change with turning the band rotary switch because it just changes the cap to the input of the rectifier. Brightness should change if you turn the up/down mode (sweep) switch. Do you have a signal after the send/return loop?


PS: Just checked your wiring of the sweep switch..  should be OK! I would try to check whether the signal gets to the rectifier/envelope generator (IC2).


As far I can see also the other rotary switches are wired correctly.
So my Q again: What are your settings for attack, decay,  sensitivity?



i connect send & return together (no jacks)... than i use this jack for input and the mono for the output.




Maybe you should start checking voltages on the IC pins as well as audio probing to check where you loose the signal. If you get some kind of EQ effect the filter section actually should work. Also it would be helpful if you could post what pot settings you use.
