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Started by HrD, September 27, 2005, 09:17:33 PM

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Maybe I have found a bug: check the position of R6 in your layout and compare it with the one in the current pdf at Joep's site. It should be in parallel to D3 not D4 as it is in the pics you've posted above. Seems you've used the old layout. If the resistor is wired this way the rectifier does not amplify. Thus the signal just drops at the diodes and never reaches the LEDs, at least it's too weak to make the LEDs flicker.

Edit: oops, better think before posting. sorry to disappoint you: actually it should work both ways  :icon_redface: 
maybe you could measure the voltage between D4 and R7 while you hit the strings. 

Good luck.



thx for the reply...
the image taken to show my wiring came from this site:
but it's only to show..pots and switchs wiring...for the pcb i used the joep's pdf.



finally was a fuc**** rotay "bitch" ...broken!

now i'm wondering if this configuration is right...(i'm not sure if rotary name r right)

ps. thx to all that tried to find what was wrong with this great efx! :)


Congrats!!!  :) A broken switch, thats really f....g bad luck.

And yes, the rotary switches are labelled correct.



Well....I finally got mine up and running after being jealous that you did HrD! Thanks Marcus for the setiings tip (very important) and Hammer for the explanation of how the circuit works a while back. I have got to say that it has been the hardest most frustrating built yet! But well worth it. Super thanks to Joep for putting it up and Moose, too! (Hope you will get your's up and running soon!) ANd even more thanks to the Psst for the layouts of the switches and pots! Now on to wiring up the effects loop!
....the staircase had one too many steps


I have one that I started a while ago but I am a couple parts shy. You have inspird me to get mine finished. I think the last part I need is a 4P3T switch.


hi man!

i'm back... i've other 2 question:
i tell u that i can get all the modulation that i listened in samples around the web but...

d' u know if it's normal that when i put the bandwidth OFF the "mcmeat" doesn't envelope...?
other question...
the sweep: in one position the led is off and flickers only when i the other position the led is on and turn off only when i play... is that ok?


Quote from: HrD on October 10, 2005, 06:57:57 AM
hi man!

i'm back... i've other 2 question:
i tell u that i can get all the modulation that i listened in samples around the web but...

d' u know if it's normal that when i put the bandwidth OFF the "mcmeat" doesn't envelope...?
other question...
the sweep: in one position the led is off and flickers only when i the other position the led is on and turn off only when i play... is that ok?

In "Bandwith OFF mode" the envelope generator is not connected to the input, so the filter does'nt sweep can use the McMeat as a static filter.

"sweep": everything's fine. thats how it works: when you are in down mode the filter goes "down" that means the LED goes to "less bright" when you hit the strings. in up mode .... guess what..  ;)


PS: have a look at the"disco freq" site.  there is a manual of the Meatball to download. I think it's quite useful.


ok! i'm sure that my "loved stone - fishball"  :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: ehm... really work's!

thx and see ya! next target is 2 klone the ring stinger...but i can't find any schematics ...i'm looking 4 someone who can give it to me or...if necessary!

psssss. anyone have the klone centaur schem?



Quote from: HrD on October 10, 2005, 09:24:07 AM next target is 2 klone the ring stinger...but i can't find any schematics ...i'm looking 4 someone who can give it to me or...if necessary!

Have a look at (my last post) I'm quite sure that the schem is correct but it's not tested yet in total (just the LFO/VCO part). Will post the layout once it's verfied to work (which hopefully will be within the next two weeks).



wow man! i can't believe!!!!!!!!

i love that unit...i would like to build it as soon it's possible.

thx for what u have done and what u're going to do!



Quote from: HrD on October 07, 2005, 03:10:33 PM

finally was a fuc**** rotay "bitch" ...broken!

now i'm wondering if this configuration is right...(i'm not sure if rotary name r right)

ps. thx to all that tried to find what was wrong with this great efx! :)

ah man Im having the same problem What pot was f-up?


nevermind it works, it works