Moding a TS808 Reissue

Started by oddheadedpunk89, September 30, 2005, 09:56:31 PM

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So my parents bought me a TS808 off of ebay for my birthday, but I'm a bass player.  Is there a way to mod the pedal to make it awesome for bass?


  Here's what I'd do, if I were me, and I was making mods for my sound on that pedal...
  I'd start loosening the bass filters toward the end of the circuit first+larger value caps, the seriesed ones in signal path a little %age more than toward the input.
  Socketting a cap here or there say input cap would probably be a good idea, that way you can swap and try different values and see whappens to the sound with your rig.
  Start thinking whether you want to mess with the clipping amount...messing with diode configurations, I'd guess [cause I not bassdude], you'd want higher Clip threshold by adding 2 diodes [adding one in series with the existing diode for assymetric, then do the other same way for symetric again] since bass whomp will tend to hit them harder than a guitar and bass clipping can bass clipping...depending etc.
  Probably increase the diodes parallel clipping HF cut cap, might not make much difference since there's not much high end coming to them [so you won't need to clip it] from a bass. If you wanted to use it maybe for a guitar, switching the input cap to smaller value and leaving the clipping cap alone might still be cool for that.
  As always...depending...sockets rule.
  Breadboarding one so you can really mess around with it, without mucking solder with your new toy might be a good option.
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