original EH schematics here...

Started by Johan, October 12, 2005, 09:26:26 AM

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in my gallery..there is more, among them DOD booster, electric misstress

..I made these copies from a service binder about 10years ago and forgot about them, found them yesterday..might be more somewhere...


Arn C.

Thanks a Bunch Johan!!! :icon_smile:

Arn C.

Geoff Hunter

Thanks for that!

That Opamp Big muff sch. is saying to me "Go on..... Build me!"  ;D


Mark Hammer

Thanks.  First time I've seen anything for the Full Double-Tracking Effect.  A rare bird!

Zero the hero


I like the "Friends on the couch" pic


Quote from: Geoff Hunter on October 12, 2005, 10:17:10 AM
Thanks for that!

That Opamp Big muff sch. is saying to me "Go on..... Build me!"  ;D

That would have saved me some time this past weekend! I brought a friends Op Amp muff back to life, but I was working with a bunch of random different schematics, none of which really quite worked!

So that's for the 1977 version...anyone know if there are differences in the later versions? I know the board changed slightly, but I'm guessing the circuit stayed the same.

no one ever

(chk chk chk)


TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!


Some great scans there, i'd be interested in a layout for the slapback echo ;)

Has anybody built that LA Light comp? I'd be interested to read build reports, as i've been looking for a nice opto comp. Any idea how much gain it has??


  Building the Opamp Big Muff, I'm seeing no cap between the first and second stage, I wonder why no coupling cap wouldn't be there...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



Quote from: petemoore on October 16, 2005, 10:41:26 PM
  Building the Opamp Big Muff, I'm seeing no cap between the first and second stage, I wonder why no coupling cap wouldn't be there...

it uses the first stage to bias the second stage, with a cap in between, it wouldnt work..



  Ahh..that makes sense then...
  Also there's a cap between pin 5 and ground [2nd stage inverting input], I can't make the value out, it looks like 10% is almost readable. I went ahead and just made that one socketed, but I'm just wondering what is 'supposed' to go there.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemoore on October 17, 2005, 01:56:25 AM
  Ahh..that makes sense then...
  Also there's a cap between pin 5 and ground [2nd stage inverting input], I can't make the value out, it looks like 10% is almost readable. I went ahead and just made that one socketed, but I'm just wondering what is 'supposed' to go there.

...  0,01 10%...



   I'm having alot of trouble biasing the output of the last opamp. Using a 741's, there's not much biasing it, checked everything in that part of the circuit...10 times using DMM Beeping to confirm continuities and R meter to check exact resistantces...the output is 7.55v of 9.04v supply, with the diodes out, 2.55v of 9.04v supply with the diodes in :icon_question:
  the inputs sit right around 1/2v...first opamps ins and outs also sitting right around 1/2v.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


the last stage is biased slightly offset with one 820k and one 1M. I dont know what that would result in at the output, but do you get any sound through?..

EDIT.. I just breadboarded that last stage, but using a 5532 ( its what I have here..) and I get 5 volts both at the +input and at the output...so the output follows the dcoffset at the +input...I guess if you accidently swaped the + and - inputs, it would be very different..?.. ???



  You guessed right, I wired wrong...
  Rewired that part now, getting good voltages, and distorted sound.
  Tone of the sound is...uh...'messy' sounding...lol, muffy, but just sounds wierd, noisy too. Not gating, only slight movement of input source seems to illicit 'alot of movement' within the circuit....hard to describe other than to say with no more input than a hand muting the strings, the circuit seems to want to output alot more than 'normal'.
  Heavy leads sound very thick and muffy...Cool.
  All the controls work, and the board seems right, tone goes from deep bass mud to midrangey with some highs, no real high treble, I tried lowering the .0047uf on the clipping stage to .001uf, maybe somewhere in between would be about right for me.
  Has good output with 4 of the 6 clipping diodes in it.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.