Another big daddy build report

Started by Herr Masel, October 13, 2005, 04:27:31 PM

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Herr Masel

It was a very easy build, alot easier than the EA tremolo that came before it. I am proud of myself for getting better at soldering and because everything is neater/cleaner on this one than on the first two effects I built. I added a tone pot using the one from mods faq, but I had to use a 47k resistor at the input of the tone circuit instead of 39k, and 2M2 at the effect input instead of 4M7. All in all, I'm really pleased with it, though on one of my amps it sounds abit wierd, and bassy, with a slight octave or gated fuzz tone, which I don't want there. Got a clue why this is? Might just be the amp, dunno. The tone pot is quite nice, the volume pot cannot be over one unless I want it to be insanely loud (!!!), and the gain pot does close to nothing, all the way on or off hardly makes a difference. I wonder if it is because of the value (1k) or what. I might replace it and see what happens, though I read that lower values give higher gain, but anyway I might add a pair of diodes for more gain.
Anyway thanks guys for helping me out when I needed it, I just need to find a fitting enclosure and hope I don't do it too ugly.


Congratulations! It's always good to read about a succesful build, makes me smile, cause I know what it feels like  :icon_biggrin:
Now, I don't know the schematic for the Big Daddy, but it sounds like something might be misbiased somewhere (the fuzzy, gated sound).
About the volume knob, you might try to put a resistor in series with the pot, to get a useful range out of it. I would try a resistor value about the same as the pot you're using,
but others may have a better idea...

Good luck!

Check out some free drum loops and other sounds at my site:

Herr Masel

Hey, thanks. By in series you mean right before the volume pot? And about biasing, I've been searching about it forever but can't figure out what it means! Enlighten me please.

Herr Masel


I have the same problems with gain pot and fuzzy tones.....  ???
Sorry for my english :|