Chosen? Reverb Tank..

Started by petemoore, October 25, 2005, 10:15:35 AM

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  For Stage Center Reverb.
  I want a fairly long, fairly deep reverb.
  Also to sit flat on the floor [Horizontal, Open Side Down], Horizontal at least, on it's side would be fine.
  The Bill of Materials calls for a tank with input impedance of 310ohms, I see selections for 250ohm and 600ohm at Accutronics. I guess the 250ohm because it's low input impedance?
  Could someone recommend a tank for me to choose?
  Circuit for driver seems to pass signal
  Circuit for recovery passes, definitely boosts signal
  I used dual opamps and pins for V- [pins #4] read -10.2V, V+ pins read 10.4V+, all the other pins are very near 0v from circuit ground.
  I think the circuit is correct and operating, but the tank isn't, now when trying to measure across the transducers, I'm getting an 'open' reading, or no reaction from DMM set to 200ohm-200k Resistance settings.
  Anyway ... I'm looking for a tank now !!!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


  I've picked this tank:
  It's input is isolated the output is grounded on this tank, I see markings for ground on both input and output on the SCR schematic...does it matter?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


  I'm oscillating between 'I don't know' and 'it doesn't matter'.
  I guess the input transducer will be happy just having a shielded cable with the shielding circuit grounded.
  The output transducer jack provides enclosure shielding for the springs.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Eric H

Quote from: petemoore on October 28, 2005, 12:41:22 PM
  I'm oscillating between 'I don't know' and 'it doesn't matter'.
  I guess the input transducer will be happy just having a shielded cable with the shielding circuit grounded.
  The output transducer jack provides enclosure shielding for the springs.
Pete, your reasoning seems good to me here, and on the impedance as well.
Go for it.
I think the reason there are so many options on these things is to provide drop-in replacements for a ton of different amps.

" I've had it with cheap cables..."


   "Must be', because it's gone up and down the front page for a few days, I think if there were a major issue seen it would have been noted by now.
  I'm going to be getting the 8EB2C1B here, soon as I locate one I can pay for, have shipped / or pick up.
  I was remembling where I'd heard 'transducer' and the bell rang, it was on an old Sunn cabinet, a 'plaque' advertising the 12'' guitar speaker drivers within.
  So I surmize or suspect that the 'transducers' in a reverb tank have alot in common with speaker driver coils, in fact I made a 'slinky spring' reverb using a speaker coil mechanically connected to drive the slinky, and another speaker to pickup the slinky vibrations and produce electronic output to be amplified...'worked', but only so much.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


  Here's the one I'm about to purchase from Antique Electronics Supply
  310 ohm input imp., insulated input, short tank, medium delay, horizontal with vertical jacks [? don't know but will work with it..., as used in Marshall Amps..
  Should do the trick !
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Dear Pete,
How did it work out with the R8DB2C1D reverb tank? I'm tempted to have a go at the reverb - as usual I've got itchy fingers and I've got this part in my cart ready to buy!


  I believe this is the right one, one I used.
  The reverb sounds great. Does great natural spring reverb tones...for what I use if for: Light background Verb to Heavy thick drones...excellent, not enough room for improvement in my scenario to mess with making a tubeverb to compare it to.
  DigiverbS take back seat IMUses.
  Heavy Reverb w/medium~long delay possible.
  /Doesn't really hang with 'long tank' 'Tall Wall' Surfers.
  Draws 'current, I need to 9v power supply/voltage double it.
  Much bulkier than a stompbox, 'tidy' for a reverb though.
  Mine Isn't bypassable, yet, I like to tweek the drive/mix knobs, and keep it next to head, on the cabinet, maybe this helps drive the spring...
  Seems to work good up to the last minute or two before an opamp shuts off, a sign that the battery voltage has dropped.
  Dang Good bang for bukk gets very good spring reverb sound.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.