OT - Counter for Pickup Winder

Started by rfoust, October 27, 2005, 12:51:44 PM

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I'm preparing to build a pickup winder and need a counter.

I found some discussions on counters in the archives talking about opening up a calculator and a small reed switch, but the cheap calculator I opened up didn't seem to want to add quick enough and I don't think it will keep up with a winder.

Does anybody have any ideas (or better yet, schematics or layouts) for a simple digital counter? I don't want to spend a ton of money, but I'd rather spend a bit now and have something that's accurate and reliable instead of going out to buy a bunch of calculators to hack up and not coming up with anything that works.


P.S. -- bit of a newbie so simpler really is better  :icon_smile:


Don't know how simple it is, but here's one :
The calculator counter is also on his site.



Thanks for the link. Not as simple as I hoped for, but it doesn't look like there's much else out there. Looks like I'll probably be giving it a shot.

The Tone God

If the old calculator trick doesn't work for you you can buy counter modules. You just give them power and a switch connection and your off. I used one in my counter but mine is slight more complicated. I also used a reed switch with a magnet on the arm.





Nice setup. A little fancier than I need but I like the the idea of the counter module and reed switch. This is going to be a simple winder using a sewing machine motor and guiding the wire by hand. If I get further into pickup making I'll probably build a more complex one with all the bells and whistles (as described in Lollar's book). At that point i can see the auto-stop coming in handy.

I'm getting ready to go away for the weekend, but I'll crack open my Mouser catalogue when I get back. Any suggestions re: the counter module?


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Here's a cheap counter kit, fortunately with a link to the documentation, which has the schematics. http://www.quasarelectronics.com/3001.htm
Best keyword for searching on this topic: "event counter".


Here's a page I did a few years ago about my pickup winder.


I used a kit that was similar to pauls link, except that it was expandable - you'll need four digits.

I think this is the one:


I made the extra digit by copying one of the three boards that came with the kit.  For triggering I use a hall effect sensor and a little magnet that is glues to the flange of the winder.

Eric H

Quote from: SolderBoy on October 30, 2005, 10:03:58 AM
Here's a page I did a few years ago about my pickup winder.


I used a kit that was similar to pauls link, except that it was expandable - you'll need four digits.

I think this is the one:


I made the extra digit by copying one of the three boards that came with the kit.  For triggering I use a hall effect sensor and a little magnet that is glues to the flange of the winder.
Great site.
Brilliant design and execution on those basses --including the pickups ;-)


" I've had it with cheap cables..."


Thank you everybody for the help.

The kit suggested by Paul links to a company in Australia (if I remember right). I found the same kit stateside at http://electronickits.com/kit/complete/meas/ck100.htm.

I also found this kit -- http://www.electronickits.com/kit/complete/elec/ck1612.htm  It's a four-digit counter that I think will work. I'll be ordering it later this week unless someone is kind enough to point out why I am (probably) wrong.

Thanks again

edit: the four-digit counter appears to be the same one used at the Designed2Wind website.