Diystompboxes RSS feed

Started by bwanasonic, November 27, 2005, 01:27:00 PM

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Since the change to the *new* forum, I've found it harder to figure out what I've read and what's new. I liked the old format of *stuff I haven't read = orange*. I just happened to click on the RSS logo in the safari address bar, and presto! I now can get a color coded listing of new posts! I dragged the RSS feed to the links bar, and now get a running count of new posts. Nifty!

Kerry M

Peter Snowberg

Cool! Thanks for posting that.

I've never delt with RSS so I Googled up a couple of links to get Feedreader at Sourceforge via a list of "reviewed" readers at Microsoft. I guessed about the feed address by looking at another post about RSS on another SMF forum. I tried:;type=rss;action=.xml

...and there it is!

Nice!  ;D

Another technology to try to say current with. Yikes.

I likes the old post flagging better on phpBB too. I know the displays are done from template files, but I've not looked at the internals yet. I would like to bring back the bold links for new posts if possible with one of these templates.

Thanks again!
Eschew paradigm obfuscation


RSS feed is great. I use Sage for the Firefox browser.