Vox Clyde McCoy Wah Layout ?

Started by formerMember1, December 14, 2005, 04:24:37 PM

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I have to make a new board for my Vox Clyde McCoy wah i built.  I have used the fuzzcentrals layout for a Vox, but would rather the layout to look like the old Vox Clyde McCoy wahs,

like this,...http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c317/_!_/31823779.jpg

I am gonna get the wire wrap posts,..

I want the my wah board to be the same layout as the old Vox CLyde McCoy wahs, not a modern layout like fuzzcentral or others,...

SO anyone know where i could find the layout online?  I looked everywhere,...i guess i might have to look at pictures of it online and try to draw a layout, but that would be way too hard i think, without having the wah infront of me.

thanks  :icon_wink:

that above pic is from castledines website, but i have emailed him in the past and never get a response, so i don't know if he posted the layout online somewhere,

Pedal love

I don't have an exact pcb, but I have a picture of a vintage clyde with the etched side up.pl



Do you think you could send me a zoomed pic of both sides of the board?

BTW, i like the fish caps, they are way better than the avx boxed metal films, and the radio shack poleyster film,  don't know how they stand against WIMA's though,...


I might have pictures of the bottom side of a Clyde but if I remember right the clydes (picture, script and V846's) had the same board layout just different componants. I will double check when i get home and let you know.

Pedal love

I just have a close picture of foil side, no close ones of the component side. The layout is pretty much standard for clydes around 67-68. Component side images are abundant. Is that a current email with your profile? I'll send it asap.pl

no one ever

hah, super mojo. didn't know wire wraps are doable at home? er at least i don't know how to do em.
(chk chk chk)


Here are a few pics of boards. I looked a number of them and indeed the Script model, Italian V846, Vox Cry baby, 67' and 68' Cry Baby's all have the same boards and layouts. You can open the pictures side by side and see they are identicle. I even remember looking at the fasel models from Jen and I think they had the same board number (1275) on them

Script bottom      http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=12/34719521469.jpg&s=x10
Script top           http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=12/34719531936.jpg&s=x10
V846 botton        http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=12/34719541819.jpg&s=x10
V846 top            http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=12/34719552366.jpg&s=x10

the sizing is not perfect but try printing out both images and turn one backwards and superimpose it over the other image. This should give correct orientation and componant placement.


thanks 1wahfreak, i really appreciate this!   and thanks also to pedal love!

it should be possible now!!  :D



I love this inductor with the metal can. The metal can makes the inductor have more flux and Q

Pedal love

Paul Marossy

Yeah, I have heard nothing but good stuff about those metal film can inductors.  :icon_cool:

Paul Marossy

Say, what are the dimensions of that V846 PCB?


yeah that would be helpful to me also, if you could tell me the height x width of the wah board, that way i could make the layout easier,..so far it is coming along good, i just have to figure out about flipping it, or mirroring it somehow,..that isn't that hard though, just requires concentration,

thanks again 1wahfreak,

Paul Marossy

I'm drawing up a layout for it right now in AutoCAD. I copied the pic right into the program to draw over the top of it. If I can find out the dimensions of the board, then I can scale it to the right size and look at any critical dimensions like the spacing between the poles on the inductor, etc. The only thing I am having a hard time figuring out from the pictures is what is happening with how the components are connectred together in the corner near the inductor....


that is the 33k vocal resistor, it is soldered directly to the post of the inductor, and the other end is soldered to that pad labeled below, and that path runs to the other post of the inductor, thus 33k paralleling the inductor

here is  a pic,

i think i am right paul, but just make sure,...

i am probably gonna add a few more pads for the inductor, to ensure it fits with arielfx halo, then fulltone looks like it will fit fine though the way it is,..

Paul,  I have all the components placed on the grid, spaced close as possible to the right dimensions(waiting on the dimension of size of board), would i make the traces the way the bottom side picture shows, or do i have to  mirror the bottom side trace picture, and place the traces that way on the grid with the components?


Paul Marossy

QuotePaul,  I have all the components placed on the grid, spaced close as possible to the right dimensions(waiting on the dimension of size of board), would i make the traces the way the bottom side picture shows, or do i have to  mirror the bottom side trace picture, and place the traces that way on the grid with the components?

Do it however works best for you. I drew the PCB tracks first, then mirrored the layout to place the components on it.

EDIT: I have it all drawn up now, just waiting for verification of the PCB dimensions.


QuoteEDIT: I have it all drawn up now, just waiting for verification of the PCB dimensions.

yeah me too!!  Mine looks close to the original, but off, maybe the correct dimensions will make it better spaced out,...

here is a VERY ROUGH pic, before sized/spaced correctly,...

3 pads indicate Q1 and Q2, and two pads indicate Halo, still needs work on traces, etc,...


I don't have that exact board but I do have another Jen board (1275) with the same layout as the others and it measures 2.250"  x 2.250".


oh so it is square, not a rectangle,.. that complicates things,...

thanks again,...

Paul Marossy

Thanks 1wahfreak, I'll have my layout buttoned up shortly.  :icon_cool: