Need Landgraff MOD schematic.

Started by Picassochild, December 16, 2005, 12:15:57 PM

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Quote from: Picassochild on December 24, 2005, 09:55:01 AM
...just wanna try to apply this mod to RAT or build new fx...
I don't get it... you started this thread asking for a MOD on the Landgraff D. O. and now it turns out it is for a RAT :icon_question:

Sometimes one's so inclined to help that does it without any further consideration.  The Landgraff D.O. is INDEED a MOD on at least two other classic pedals (TS-808 / Boss SD-1).  If you don't like its sound or think it needs to be modded then maybe you just need to consider another candidate for building.  I'm not implying that such a pedal cannot be improved and/or fine tuned, but it is a second-generation (or maybe even third-generation) device that already concentrates a lot of experimentation towards its improvement, as most of the other TS /SD workalikes out there.

And to be ironic, you've "threatened" us to post some interesting schems, but so far we've seen nothing. :icon_wink:


  Heres the thing...we have "among us", people who make their *living* by creating and selling these wonderful guitar pedals. They've spent years honing their craft, countless hours trying, testing, soldering, etc, to develop these pedals. When somebody *posts* a schematic for one of these pedals, it cuts into the makers ability to make a living. Now i'm not saying that everyone who gets a schematic and builds one would've bought the original pedal, but certainly some would. Heres an example: ZVex pedals...there are quite a few of us here at the forum who have reverse engineered some of Zac's pedals...we *could* post the schematics, but we choose not to do so simply out of respect for Zac's livelihood. Are we being *greedy* because we don't want to hurt Zac's (or Emma's, or Landgraffs, or...) business ? I don't think so. The schematics we *do* choose to post here tend to either be original designs, vintage FX, discontinued FX, and occasionally ones from a mass producer such as Boss or DOD (which tend to have such high part counts that they discourage the average builder...they *are*, however, interesting to study)

   Something you may want to try, that could lead to your future success here...instead of asking for a specific, currently made boutique schematic, ask for a schematic of a pedal that would create a "similar" sound. For instance, with the Zvex Fuzz Factory, dont ask for a schematic for a Fuzz Factory, ask for something similar. Heres what I would post if I wanted a Fuzz Factory-like pedal:

Im looking to build a pedal that might get me into the "sonic range" of the Zvex Fuzz Factory. Is there something similar that has an available schematic, or are their ways to "mod"  something like a Fuzz Face to get those sounds ?  Thanks, Andy

With that post, I would not only get suggestions like Joe Gagans "Skyripper" fuzz, but also might "learn" some ways to make the pedals i have already built more suitable for my needs.

In the greater scope of things, the FX building community is fairly small, and at least as far as this forum, fairly tight knit. We tend to watch out for other community members interests, as well as trying to encourage and help new people who generally want to learn about the hobby, and electronics in general. Sometimes its a "fine line" thats tough to negotiate, as in your case. It doesnt seem like you have "any" interest in learning to build pedals for yourself, just saving some money/taking food off of other peoples tables by having your *friend* build you the pedals you want by your aquiring the necessary schematics. Now I'm sure you hadn't thought of it this way, but thats the way it looks. And when you start saying things like "don't be greedy", it looks is you, in fact, who are showing *yourself* to be greedy, because you'd rather save yourself a few dollars than support the people who put years into developing their product. 

  Seriously, if you "are" interested in learning how to build pedals, I, and probably everyone else here would be absolutely *honored* to do what we can to help you learn. If you're just interested in stealing designs, however, you should probably look somewhere else.

  I hope you choose to learn. Merry Christmas, and best of luck in all that you do,


the Landgraff mod distortion is a pure Rat-clone. (no inputbuffer)! the switch switches between 2 SI-diodes, no diodes and 3 SI-Diodes (2+1). IC is a LM308, FET in the outputbuffer is a 2n5458. he uses high-quality components, like silvermica caps, vishay tantal-caps, polyestercaps.

have fun :D

greetings, khe


Quote from: stm on December 25, 2005, 01:43:25 AM
Quote from: Picassochild on December 24, 2005, 09:55:01 AM
...just wanna try to apply this mod to RAT or build new fx...
I don't get it... you started this thread asking for a MOD on the Landgraff D. O. and now it turns out it is for a RAT :icon_question:

Sometimes one's so inclined to help that does it without any further consideration.  The Landgraff D.O. is INDEED a MOD on at least two other classic pedals (TS-808 / Boss SD-1).  If you don't like its sound or think it needs to be modded then maybe you just need to consider another candidate for building.  I'm not implying that such a pedal cannot be improved and/or fine tuned, but it is a second-generation (or maybe even third-generation) device that already concentrates a lot of experimentation towards its improvement, as most of the other TS /SD workalikes out there.

And to be ironic, you've "threatened" us to post some interesting schems, but so far we've seen nothing. :icon_wink:

i bet you feel like a *&^*&^.  if you dont then maybe YOU should do a search before responding to a post
