Global LFO questions.

Started by chokeyou, December 26, 2005, 01:11:27 AM

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So, i had a thought:

I'm thinking about creating a variation on the LFO generator found at:
I would probably gut a wah enclosure and use that, the treadle hooked up to the frequency pot.
the point of this would be to control parameters of modulation pedals simultaneously so that they're synched up.

I have a few questions though,
how hard would it be to "daisy chain" the LFO signal through my modulation pedals? (just simple LFO in/out on each pedal will do i guess)
From there I'm planning on making the global LFO switchable for every pedal in the chain, so that when engaged the global LFO is in use, when disengaged the pedal uses its own LFO...does anybody forsee any major conflicts if i were to attempt this?

is there any way to make LFOs simply control frequency and leave waveshape and other parameters configurable on each circuit (on say a tremolo, phaser, etc)


Quote from: chokeyou on December 26, 2005, 01:11:27 AM
how hard would it be to "daisy chain" the LFO signal through my modulation pedals? (just simple LFO in/out on each pedal will do i guess)

If each pedal is set up to be modulated by the 'Mother LFO' then it could be done, providing the output of the LFO can drive everything, but you're going to have to design/redesign all your pedals to do this.

Quoteis there any way to make LFOs simply control frequency and leave waveshape and other parameters configurable on each circuit (on say a tremolo, phaser, etc)

You'd need individual depth controls for each pedal.  How you do this depends on each pedal.

"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


The other thing you're going to have to consider is how you're going to switch between waveforms when engaging effects as what suits one effect doesn't necessarily suit another...
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Are there many times that one would want the same frequency (synced or not) on a number of boxes? I'd suspect it would be more useful to mod boxes so the LFO of each box was controlled by an external control voltage, and then run a control voltage from the footpedal. (but, maybe that's just my synth background coming out..)